1. Down with the TSA says:

    The TSA workers are now getting soaring cancer rates too.

    The very machine that is destroying privacy is also destroying its owners.

    1. Anonymous says:

      It's typical with big government, those who LOVE it eventually are consumed by it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    OPT OUT! Don't go through the scanners.

  3. Does anyone believe the phsycopaths profiting from this gives a $hit about the dumb operators?

  4. TSA Goodbye says:

    You know the lead shielding that the dentist uses on your chest when he takes a dental xray? DOESN'T WORK!

    Also, the dentist/assistants get xray, too!

    So, TSA people who are within 100 ft. of that constantly flashing box of xrays, guess what? You get hundreds of thousands of xrays! What wonderful news!

    Chertoff's cancer boxes made him a fortune!

  5. This is par for the course when it comes to these insider elites. No accountability, no investigation, no justice. Just keep on murdering the goyim with impunity.

  6. All:

    Alan Watt of cuttingthroughthematrix.com addressed the dangers

    of terrahertz radiation from these scanners and cited two reports,

    Sandia National Labs & MIT. I think both "white papers" cited

    terrahertz waves ability to "unzip" DNA which can cause loss of

    gene expression and thereby diminish the human immune system

    which daily fights cancerous cells in our body.

    I don't recall the names of the reports but remember the sources.

  7. O. B. Server says:

    re: “up to 100 United States airline passengers each year could get cancer from the machines.”

    Sure: government would never lie to you. They’d never fudge the numbers there. Government never bends the truth.

    If they say “100” you can bet that is a severe underestimate.

    “Cursed be he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen.”
    — Deuteronomy 27:24

    Even secretly smiting with ionizing radiation.

    Good christian folk, they are.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Exactly. You KNOW it's way more. If the study says 100, it's probably 100,000.

  8. Anthony Lawson says:

    The answer is simple: Make the designers, and other profit-receiving people who make these machines, walk through them once or twice a week.

  9. I just put in some asbestos to keep the heat in better – heard it works real well and is 100% safe.

  10. jekyllisland says:

    No sympathy for the workers, they all but force a passenger to go through these so they don't have to do the pat downs.

    Amazing that it has taken this long to call bs on the government. They are same group who claimed back in the 50's & 60's that smoking was harmless too

  11. Since there are not enough guillotines in the USA to cope with the problem, would it be innovative to take all the naked body scanners and turn them up to "deep fat fry" and push all the banksters through?

  12. There is very high probability that the person who is given enough exposure to strong x-rays like these scanners have they will maybe become sterile. The soft tissues of the Gonads as well as ovaries will become damaged from repeated exposure to this equipment. I worked at radar sites in the military and most of the older enegineers I met told me the radar tubes of that era had strong x-rays emitted from them when they got close to the high power magnetron and klystron tubes they would put on a 1/4 inch thick lead apron to protect their gonads. Many would alos wrap a lead lined towel looking thing around their necks to protect their thyroids. The USAF training books I read said no one should be close to the transmitting tubes when it is operationaing at high power as it may be harmfull. To perform the test on some radar equipment requires the technicians to pull off all the steel panels to make test and measurements under full power. My gut feeling is this TSA scam job Full Body scaniing is being used to make people sick but also to sterilize them.

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