1. Any industry that Marijuana can compete with and do better, that industry will not allow it to take hold. Cotton and clothing industry, food industry, fuel industry, and now the chemical drug industry. Marijuana, narcotic or non-narcotic, does not stand a chance against these conglomerates. It was used for the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and early farmers were required by law to set aside a few acres of their land to grow Marijuana.
    Marijuana will choke out and weeds, needs hardly any care or water or fertilizer, and can grow anywhere in the US. It is grown in most countries around the world except the US and Canada.

  2. Leppel Payne says:

    being a survivor of HIV I know the toxic effect of medications I’ve been to 7 trials the last one seemed to work I’ve been undetectable now for 6-7 years. But I do know this if it was not for marijuana I would not have had an appetite sometimes the medication is completely took my appetite away and behind medications 8 in 1 not wanting to eat so the sooner the day pass legislation across the country for legal marijuana to help those like myself they need to recover and become full the participating citizens of this country and this world contributors back to society into the medical community. I do think its time God didn’t just create a plan to be backed with fear and hypocrisy. GiveGodsome creditfor what He has created come on people grow up. And yes I was diagnosed in 1990 this is 2014 it’s time for us the species to grow up.2 years ago in 2011 I was diagnosedand had a lung removed which was probably one of the side effects of the medications in the toxins work accumulated in my system from the trial program.and I mean a child programs for HIV

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