1. samm iamm says:

    For discussion sake, let’s say we finally win the gmo battle? Who is going to rule over its implementation? The FDA…the USDA…WHO? I for one, don’t trust any federal, state agency. Nor any higher learning think tanks (colleges) to govern or say that any and all foods from that point would be safe or GMO free or pesticide free! Even if tomorrow every seed and toxic chemical being used to destroy are food was banished from the market, it would be years before the ground and water would be purified enough to go back to good proven large farming practices! The Real answer to future farming is returning to millions of local small farms growing food with better newer methods with old traditional methods. That is….if we are to survive.

    But unfortunately, we have created a society that is so busy surviving, so tired and so ignorant about how to do anything, I am wary of even this taking place…..and even if it did, between Fukashima and our own ailing nuclear plants, the Gulf poisoning of our seafood, ( along with the west coast disaster that’s taking place, I hold no real hope out for a long future for this country unfortunately. And all this is just the tip of the iceberg….many real and worse things looking in the deep will eventually, ( probably sooner than later) come to fruition! Can you say, mega earthquakes, super tsunami’ s, the economic crash, the destruction of the power grid, the potential for large asteroids, to name a few.

    When your focus remains on the faceted problems that surround the ” CORE” problem, you end up fighting a losing battle!

    1. Tont Davies says:

      you are really missing the real problems. Its not GM food – its bacterial contamination of food that is actually killing people. Focus on GM misplaces the attention.

      1. samm iamm says:

        Not missing the point, would the bacterial contamination be as bad if natural pesticide methods had been used all along? Is not the pesticides/ poisons, that go hand in hand with GMO’ s that have now created super weeds, insects, etc., killed off good bacteria etc., yes….this problem is bigger than but not apart from genetic engineering.

        It (GME) was founded on finding ways to use toxic/ poisons, that had formerly been used as direct killing agents. The plan is to continue to do the same now only in a much more slowly lethal way under the guise of improving things. Honestly, the “CORE” problem is neither GMO’ s or pesticides or there resulted damages to life and planet. It is that they exist and are allowed to do any of these things. When corporate greed rules, things die!

        And “WE” have become the real culprits in this whole thing! We have allowed things to get to where they are! Where was everyone when laws were being submitted to allow corporations to become a “person”? That could be a front for a bunch of greed driven owners to hide and be safe from ” personal” accountability of what they did or manufactured?

        Where were we when the nuclear plants were brought into being and allowed to be built? Where were we when all the things that now seal our doom were being implemented by those in government rallied on by mega-corp money?

        We lost our way, we turned or heads and closed our ears. And as usual, we now are paying the price!

  2. Non-GMO corn offers far more nutrition without the poison, study shows

    An eye-opening investigation conducted by Canada’s only supplier of
    non-GMO corn seed has revealed that genetically modified “Frankencorn”
    is severely lacking in a number of vital nutrients. Compared to non-GMO
    corn varieties, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready corn contains only a small
    fraction of the amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper,
    manganese and carbon normally found in natural corn.

    Shattering the myth that there’s no substantial difference between GMO
    and non-GMO crops, the report by De Dell Seed Company of London,
    Ontario, shows that GMO corn is nutritionally deficient and wholly unfit for human consumption.
    In nearly every vitamin and mineral category tested, GMO corn was found
    to contain only trace amounts of many key nutrients necessary for life.

    According to the report, corn ears were selected from two adjacent corn
    fields in Iowa — one growing Roundup Ready corn and the other growing
    non-GMO corn. The corn ears were selected from multiple locations in
    each field two weeks prior to harvest to get a proper sampling, and they
    were then shelled from the cob and sent to a laboratory for testing.

    When the results came back, researchers found that the Roundup Ready corn contained 13 parts per million (ppm) of glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide that the WHO recently recognized[PDF]
    as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” which is the Environmental
    Protection Agency (EPA) established legal limit for this pesticide. The
    non-GMO corn, on the other hand, contained no glyphosate.

    “The EPA standards for glyphosate in water in America is .7ppm,”
    explains Moms Across America. “European tests showed organ damage to
    animals at .1ppb (.0001ppm) of glyphosate in water. Our water levels
    allow glyphosate 7,000X higher than what has been shown to be toxic in
    animals. This corn has 13 ppm! 130,000 times higher than what is toxic in water!” (emphasis added)

    Similarly, the GMO corn samples were found to have higher pH levels, higher sodium content and significantly less natural phosphate, potassium, calcium and magnesium compared to the non-GMO corn. The “Brix” quality measurement of the GMO corn, which gauges sucrose content, was also found to be only one-twentieth of the Brix score for non-GMO corn.

    In each of the following categories, non-GMO corn was found to have significantly higher nutrient levels:

    Phosphate: more than 14 times higher in non-GMO corn
    Potassium: more than 16 times higher
    Calcium: more than 437 times higher
    Magnesium: more than 56 times higher
    The soils of the non-GMO corn were also found to be superior in terms of
    their mineral content, presumably because they weren’t sprayed with
    nutrient-robbing glyphosate, which draws out the vital nutrients of
    living things:

    The base saturation rates, which represent a measure of soil nutrient density, were also determined as follows:

    Sulfur: 14 times higher in non-GMO corn
    Manganese: 7 times higher
    Iron: more than 7 times higher
    Zinc: more than 6 times higher
    Copper: more than 6 times higher
    Cobalt: more than 7 times higher
    Molybdenum: more than 7 times higher
    Boron: more than 7 times higher
    Carbon: 30 times higher

    GMO corn also contains dangerously high levels of toxic formaldehyde
    Meanwhile, the GMO corn was found to contain extremely high levels of
    various chemicals, chlorides, glyphosate and even formaldehyde, which is
    normally metabolized into carbon dioxide through a process that is
    blocked by the spraying of glyphosate. Because glyphosate is a vital nutrient chelator,
    meaning it pulls out nutrients from the plants on which it is sprayed,
    experts believe the herbicide disrupts the normal enzymatic processes in
    plants that would otherwise break down formaldehyde.

  3. Hugh Halliday says:

    Yes. Alot of people will fall for it as they still think that they should believe alot of top people. However a larger and larger proportion are finding out about the false truths relating to GMO. The taking over of Africa by the Corporate agri business is something that the African countries are finding it hard to fight because money is scarce , it does not take much to bribe politicians and others to back their wishes. Hugh Halliday.

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