1. Zy Marquiez says:

    Great write up. Have followed Mr. Rappoport’s work very closely, and he covers many different topics that are of vital importance. In respect to the article, its not surprising that such is the case. It seems the more time passes the more we see as a society things that we considered concrete to be on wobbly ground, which just so happens to aid the pockets of Big Pharma. Still, its good to hear folks cover this harmful subject since ADHD diagnoses are probably handed out in the millions.

  2. I asked my dr. 13 years ago about ADHD and that my 9 yr old nephews school was forcing him to see a psychiatrist and be put on Ritalin because he was a rather typical rambunctious kid or he couldn’t go to it anymore. My dr. said told me then, no teachers just don’t want to deal with rambunctious kids anymore so they refer them to do shut-them-down instead. It’s similar to what mental hospitals do in giving thorizine to mental patients to calm them down.
    My nephew stopped taking Ritilan at 14 yrs old, then his mother kept refilling his prescription for herself to lose weight since it’s speed.

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