1. Eliot W. Collins says:

    Most fresh fruits and vegetables are non-GMO. Genetically modified papayas, however, are approved for consumption both in the US and in Canada. If one only wants to eat non-GMO papayas, then make sure that they are labeled USDA Organic or non-GMO.

  2. David McElroy says:

    What about my favorite, DRIED Papaya? Is that sweet treat also good for health and rejuvenation with antioxidants and such? Please do tell.

  3. Rudderpull says:

    My girlfriend got a tummy bug when she was in Penang Malaysia. We travelled to lake Toba, Sumatra where the local people gave her a drink of tea made from papaya-paw paw leaves. She recovered quickly from what was a serious sickness! Paw paw, papaya is now a regular favourite in my diet!!!!

  4. Sharon Bybee says:


    …First we have to get the big Biotech companies to label…before that government must require it. Since they are in bed with each other, it's up to us! Vote YES on California Prop 37…if they win the rest of the country may follow. Sign petitions you agree with!

    GMO Papayas. I have learned that in Hawaii they are no long able to grow their native papayas. Due to the acidic changes in the soil. Now,only GMO papayas can be grown. One suspected change in acidity of the soil is possibly due to the fallout from Chemtrail chemicals, (also affecting organic growers in Hawaii, California and other areas).

    Can anyone provide more information on this subject? Or links for research.

  5. The white milk like fluid from the Papaya can also be used as antibiotic for cuts and wounds. Its has been used for many decades from where I come from which is PNG. We also use the new Guava leaves as a stomach bug cure by chewing it and swollowing the green juice. An instant powerhouse and its all natural.

    1. where can a person get the guava leaves?

  6. Mzee Mandawa says:

    Yes, it’s true.

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