1. Something else to consider is where the food was processed/grown. If fluoridated water is used they can still call the product organic because it isn't the growers/processors fault the water is contaminated. I just grow my own food because it just got to time consuming to look everything up to make sure I was getting what I actually wanted.

  2. Trying to buy healthy food not contaminated with poison is a minefield. I seem to spend more and more time reading labels, though I think it's worth the effort. The government should do something useful for a change and subsidise organic produce, too many poor people are forced to consume toxin-laden 'food'.

  3. Polly Pierce says:

    This is troubling: "In fact, products labeled “Non-GMO” like Whole Foods’ 365® Corn Flakes contained more than 50% genetically modified corn." I found it interesting when I searched on Whole Foods site today and found this Non-GMO Verified Products List http://wholefoodsmarket.com/specialdiets/MW_OAK_N… . The 365 Corn Flakes are not listed as non-GMO verified on Whole Foods site which was last updated on Jan 9, 2012.

    I read about this issue on Cornucopia's site recently and stopped buying Barbara's shredded wheat, even though it is otherwise unadulterated in processing and great for an MSG sensitive person.

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