Obama Increases Allowable Levels of Radiation in Drinking Water ‘Dramatically’

A Japanese government official has reported, “I was overwhelmed by the amount of contaminated water coming from the reactors, we must dump it in the ocean.” This isn’t such great news for the US since President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently gave their approval for “dramatically raising permissible radioactive levels in drinking water and soil following “radiological incidents,” such as nuclear power-plant accidents and dirty bombs.”
The Nuclear Industry calls this their “new normal,” according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
The EPA has issued radiation guides called Protective Action Guides or PAGs which allows more radiation than any American has ever been exposed to. Within the guides, are instructions for evacuations, shelter-in-place orders, food restrictions and other actions following a wide range of “radiological emergencies.”
Wouldn’t the massive break down of reactor number one at Fukushima be considered a ‘radiological emergency?”
Shunichi Tanaka, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, made the comment Dec. 12 about dumping radioactive waste into the ocean.
The US governments PAGs allow long-term public exposure to radiation in amounts as high as 2,000 millirems. This would, in effect, increase a longstanding 1 in 10,000 person cancer rate to a rate of 1 in 23 persons exposed over a 30-year period. Many experts are expecting elevated cancer rates due to these “allowable” levels of radiation exposure.
Read: Anonymous US Gov’t Expert Admits Astronomical Radiation Levels from Fukushima
The PAGs are the work of Gina McCarthy, the assistant administrator for air and radiation whose nomination to serve as EPA Administrator was only approved by the Senate a few months ago.
It is suggested that these PAGs have been in the works for over two years and are just recently available for public view.
PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch said:
“This is a public health policy only Dr. Strangelove could embrace. If this typifies the environmental leadership we can expect from Ms. McCarthy, then [the] EPA is in for a long, dirty slog.”
“No compelling justification is offered for increasing the cancer deaths of Americans innocently exposed to corporate miscalculations several hundred-fold.”
They, the government, supports all kinds of poisons in our drinking water, so this is no surprise. When it comes to health, the president had sold us out long ago.
The support is for the drug companies, and the people, well we are just sheep to be fleeced.
It use to be, “power of, by and for the people”, now it is Welcome to corporate America!
Sadly, not surprising at all :
The public is totally uninformed about the ongoing, accelerating, and irreversible effects happening as we speak, from the planetary Fukushima catastrophe. The media is just following orders to maintain a total blackout, and the Internet-based information and data you can still get from Independent Scientist-Journalists is next. Get ready people: the Internet as we know is is about to end. The Internet is our last hope for being informed citizens and for protecting ourselves from our corrupt, immoral government. There is no way the Fukushima damage that is right now happening and will continue to be inflicted on every living thing on the planet can be whitewashed. Pay attention – do what you can in your little corner of influence. Learn to grow your own food, take iodine, stop paying for more dangerously managed nuclear power construction. The same types of faulty nuclear plant designs, location and engineering mistakes by these exact same GE nuclear power plant systems are in the process of proliferation all over the world including in your neighborhood. It won’t be long now and we will not have a choice. The human race is self-annihilating.
….iodine is naturally radioactive. And you’re complaining about radiation.
Nascent Iodine is what he is speaking of, which is a molecule of iodine in it’s natural state—ie, I2—suspended in a solution. What people typically ingest are individual iodide atoms or ions which are significantly less beneficial to one’s health. A high level of nascent iodine in your system decalcifies the pineal gland, removes flouride, bromide, and all heavy metals from the system and prevents the absorption of those ions and heavy metals.
The most likely way for your body to be flooded with these toxic, mentally- and psychically-pacifying materials? Drinking a glass of water. Now the water is going to be radioactive too.
#distilledwaterisn’tdangerous #it’stheonlysafethingtodrink #revolution
PS-pretty much everything is radioactive. Bananas are far more radioactive than the single very rare and VERY mildly unstable iodide ion (there are 3 iodide ions).
It is not the same type of iodine! Radiation in water mcl should be lowered not higher. I am a water treatment expert and this EPA change in Primary Drinking standard MCL’s should be complaints in Litigations.
Well said . Its are world , There is no other place to go ,, Why we let a worthless paper control are world . Look it up Google it money has no value .
We give it value , hence we give up are planet to a few crazy people ,, WE lay down so they can become Gods .
We should all stand up and end this before there is nothing left ….
Love is truth ,light is the way to truth .
The US Government has gone ROGUE !!
This clinches it. Obummer is leading his people right off a cliff. Their treatments for radiation caused cancers will come out of the general fund. Stupid.
He has no people just puppet masters.
The highly recommended website ENENEWS deserves credit for reporting on Fukushima from the beginning.
This is not spam for ENENEWS, it’s just that it is the number 1 website covering Fukushima, which I believe is the most important story of our generation and deserves everyone’s attention.
Latest ENENEWS headline:
“Report: Massive release of Fukushima radioactive waste being planned — Gov’t Official: I was overwhelmed by amount of contaminated water from reactors, we must dump it into ocean — Experts: Most of melted nuclear fuel is now particles which are inside the water (VIDEO)”
Excuse me but can you name just one benefit of this life destroying technology? Not to forget that it is radiation that causes Cancer, just in case you were going there and no one needs this ridiculous form of boiling water for steam either! So?
I guess it does not matter that ENENEWS is wrong, most of the time. I posted several times, showing (with cited research) how ENENEWS was wrong, so they banned me. Same thing with NATURALNEWS. All you have to do is post contrary news, and they ban you.
It doesn’t make much difference what the ‘allowable’ levels of radiation are when radiation is continually spewing into the Pacific Ocean on a daily basis. As long as there is no collective effort to control the situation at Fukushima, the radiation levels in this country will continue to rise. ‘Allowable’ means nothing, no level of radiation is considered safe.
You are absolutely correct. This move is for the “sheeple”. Now the government can say that the levels aren’t ‘dangerous’ and all of the ignorant, unthinking masses which lack one iota of common sense will say “Oh, thank God, that Japan problem isn’t harming us!”
So, how much radioactivity is in normal, uncontaminated seawater? The stuff that is there, naturally? Like, 200 years ago, before the ‘Atomic Age’? …
They’re trying to murder us all; under the guise of law, Executive Orders, and WH Memorandums.
Perhaps you’d like to be first in line to start drinking the water?
That asshat already drank the koolaid!
Alright, the maximum allowable radiation is 20 micro-sieverts per year (thanks article, for only using rems). http://xkcd.com/radiation/ This chart gives approximate values of the amount of radiation for various problems. So yes, it’s something to pay attention to, but it’s really more panic-inducing than anything else.
Let them eat radioactive isotopes!
(Neo-Antoinette Colter)
Duh, let then eat yellow cake! way better
Everyone stop calling it, ‘radiation.’ It’s radioactivity and there is a big difference, because radiation is temporary, but radioactivity sticks around. Radioactivity is much more harmful.
Silly ass statement, its the same thing.
Forgot that we all are on the same boat? You can be a fan of this technology, but you die as we do , if its radioactivity or something else, being pro, wont help you or anyone simply by pretending the opposite.
The real question here is simply, “WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?” Although being informed is certainly the first step where do we go from here?