1. zanzara2041 says:

    HFCS, GMO, GE, Monsanto, Dow, EPA, FDA, USDA…death

  2. Eat your HFCS, GMO and get all the vaccines you are told to get, you are a slave and need to comply with the NWO

  3. one percenter says:

    Shill alert. Straw man argument she did not claim any kind of high fructose corn syrup is good for you.

  4. What she meant was (and I’m sure you could figure this out for yourself if you weren’t paid not to) is that GMO-derived HFCS will also have in it whatever the corn had engineered into it, like Bt insecticide and/or epicyte human spermicide.

    1. And who told you that, Monsanto? We should believe everything they tell us because they would never deceive us just for profit, would they?.

      1. Thanks for standing up to the anti-GMO hysterics. You’d think the sky was falling to hear them talk. There are many challenges to getting good nutrition, but as far as I can tell, consuming GMO foods isn’t one of them.

    2. Bobo can’t figure out his way out of a wet paper bag. Give him a cracker, and He’ll shut up.

  5. Maybe I missed it, but otherwise, I’m surprised that there is no mention in the article that a couple of years ago, the criminals at the FDA allowed manufacturers to use “corn sugar” in place of HFCS. They’re both the same exact thing.

  6. Hey Bobo, is HFCS your secret to your lovely complexion?

  7. micronuke says:

    Interesting that Bobo should get his lower extremities in an uproar over these five parenthetical words – (largely made from GM corn). This is an undeniable fact. While one rarely can be sure about such things, I would take better than even odds that he gets paid by the word. Our tax dollars at work 🙁 As to whether all the nasty ingredient(s) in Monsanto corn, which give French lab rats horrendous tumors, are removed in the HFCS process is still an open question. I, for one, wish to have nothing to do with any GMO food if I can help it. Furthermore, along with the ethanol boondoggle, it keeps the GMO corn market humming along when it should be taken out by the throat and strangled. It is weaponized “food.”

    1. and none of this gets anywhere near to FACT that most GMO foods are so modified as to be tolerant of Roundup, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate. Turns out that is even worse then HFCS, does NOT break down in the soil after application (despite early claims that Roundup is completely biodegradable, going to nothing in 72 hours… absolutely not so) instead persisting for years. It IS absorbed into the produce. In our bodies it is a known carcinogen, messes witih bone marrow production, liver, spleen, and is a neurotoxin seemingly connected with some of the increasingly common disorders such as Downs, Autism, ADHD and related, and the real kicker, seems closely linked to the astounding increase in gluten intolerance, celiac, and similar digestive disorders, and through the mechanism of messing with our healthy populations of gut micro-organisms, changing our metabolism and immune system responses. If the direct ingestion of the GMO food product was the only, or even the worst, issue it might not warrant such careful avoidance. But, all in, HFCS is one of the worst compounds ever released onto the unsuspecting

  8. Iced tea? How in blue bazes could it get into tea??

    1. easy. The people who make and bottle the Ready To Drink forms of this use HFCS for the sweetener. Most are served/sold cold… theoretically a replacment for soda pop, but every bit as nasty with the same or smetimes more HFCS.

      READ the ingredient lists in ALL packaged and prepared foods yu buy. If it says HFCS, High Fructose Corn Syrup, or just “corn syrup” don[t buy it. And CERTAINLY do not eat it.

      1. Thanks. I never even considered bottled tea. Yuk!

    2. They put it in there for people who are addicted to sugar. Stop drinking it and they’ll stop making it.

  9. You are mostly correct. But here is the real problem with corn sugar: You can inject is all day and your brain never registers that you ingested any. I have a video series by a U of Washington MD, Dr. Wendell Fleet. In it he describes the issues of corn sugar. Here is link if interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zx7gSDIkrE
    Dr. Fleet also says that 6% of our total health cost is dialysis. That is a big number.

  10. There is a conglomerate in Florida that keeps quotas on sugar production. And they of course are allowed to decide how much sugar my be introduced into the American market. This is a left over from the worst president, (in my opinion) since the founding of America, FDR. The Fanjul family has spent billions, yes with a b, of dollars to preserve their monopoly on sugar in America. They have forced Caribbean economies into bankruptcy to preserve their strangle hold on the sugar production, importation and distribution in USA. Any studies showing fructose as being good were done knowing that it was untrue. The reason was to try to keep the price of sugary foods and drinks under control since the price of sugar is kept artificially high. Stop the quotas and allow any one to grow and market sugar and watch the market expand, less rotten teeth, less fragile bone and one rotten family have to compete in the fair and open market place.

  11. I knew food producers used battery acid to extact the sugars from corn. I had no idea they used mercury. This is madness.

    1. Bad Will Hunting says:

      Yes, but at least you were getting the RDA for battery acid and mercury. Be thankful!

  12. CantayVuela says:

    The point about HFCS has been well stated. If you differ, go for whatever suits you. The best way to fight GMO products is not buying them and I am glad to see that the fastest growing labels in the US are non-gmo certified and organic. Yes, the prices may be higher than gmo products, but the cures and treatments to diseases caused by them are truly unaffordable.

  13. I know why don’t people stop eating crap and they won’t have to worry about it? Make your own food, then you’ll know what’s in it. To blame high fructose corn syrup on someone’s obesity is ludicrous. You are what you put in – if you’re consuming high quantities of food with ANY sweetener in it, you’re on the wrong train. A friend and I went to the grocery store where she put on an academy winning performance over the HFCS in one of the things she was buying for her children. I shook my head and asked her why she didn’t opt for the grapes instead? If you don’t want to be obese STOP STUFFING YOUR FACE.

    1. Bad Will Hunting says:

      If people don’t know about HFCS, then they will continue to buy it. President Trump should ban the substance in the United States. That would cut down on obesity, sickness and health care costs.

  14. Brian Heise, MD says:

    yea, i try to stick with mainly vegetables with some fruit, compex carbs, and unprocessed lean meats. im trying to avoid preservatives in general. im trying to avoid all saturated fat ie anything that is not still liquid in the freezer (fat). im beginning to make my own breads etc ie to avoid the salt and preservatives. basically im trying to eat only “whole foods” ie those that are unprocessed. even poultry has added sodium ie in the grocery store. basicially we may never know what is good/bad, but it would be logical to eliminate that which is not needed ie b’s, c, a, d, e, k, and ess. minerals along with unsat fat, compex carbs, and lean protien.

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