1. “That question has already been answered. We produce enough food in this world to feed 10 and a half billion people, according to a study from McGill University (however the same study falsely states that organic crop yields are outperformed by GM crops when they are almost comparable).”

    It’s flat-out hilarious how she uses a study to show evidence of her claim and then states how the study is incorrect all in the same sentence. Bravo!!

    1. Skeptologist says:

      Sarich sure is a professional cherry-picker.

  2. Monsanto is losing $ for a reason. yes, they still make a lot and GMOs are a large industry, but they still are losing as their game is found out.

  3. ORGANIC, NON GMO Foods are the Healthiest option.
    Grow your own garden and use HEIRLOOM SEEDS only!

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