1. The sum is the equal of all its parts, not just bits and pieces, and the FDA should know better. But they are just the FDA which stands for Federal Dumb As, we already know.
    The question has to come to mind, are these herbicides and pesticides, that kill most weeds and many insects, worth the health and lives of humans and our environment? The answer should be ideally, NO! But it is not about health, safe food, or the survival of humans, bees, etc; for it is all about selling chemicals and making money at all cost.
    Monsanto, Dow and the like are chemicals companies who have a propitiatory interest in selling their wares, and should not be telling anyone, especially the FDA, as to what is safe, and not safe, for all of us to eat.

  2. signalfire1 says:

    We don’t need commercialized food production anymore; if every fourth (for instance) household had a small aquaponics setup, you could source all the veggies and greens necessary for at least half a healthy diet within yards of your neighbors; and it would mean a good income for people who want to do it, or are unable to do other jobs.

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