McDonald’s Keeps Losing Money Month After Month

McDonald’s has been losing money fast, and even underperforming the stock market for quite some time. New revelations from the company’s February sales reveal that the fast food giant is still losing money month after month — even after claiming that they would be ‘changing’ their business model.
Following the departure of their CEO and economist’s doubt over the company’s ability to ‘turn this around,’ McDonald’s still cannot seem to convince new individuals to eat their ‘food’ products made with an ensemble of fillers, preservatives, additives, and of course, GMOs.
As Business Insider explains:
“McDonald’s US sales plunged 4% in February, erasing last month’s slight increase. The decline was steeper than the .7% drop that Wall Street had expected for US same-store sales. Overall, global same-store sales declined 1.8% in February.”
And in a move that the company should have truly attempted around a decade ago when the public was becoming aware of what was really in their Happy Meal, the fast food juggernaut is now vowing to be a ‘progressive burger company.’ In fact, McDonald’s’ new CEO announced last week that the company will be switching to chickens that are not pumped full of ‘as many’ antibiotics as their current stock.
Am I convinced that a serious change is coming to McDonald’s from the bottom of their heart? Of course not. But what it does show is just how powerful information can be.
We are witnessing the result of an informed public influencing the market in a very big way. This is the industry leader in fast food. The company that never seemed to care about the yoga mat chemicals in their chicken nuggets, nor the numerous films and documentaries that show what’s residing in their super sized ‘meals.’
There’s no wonder that McDonald’s continues to lose out as way more high quality ‘fast food’ options begin to pick up. Even organic burgers can now be picked up in a matter of minutes in most major cities. Why would anyone choose a fake McDonald’s burger instead?
The age of shadowy corporations ignoring consumers is over.
“Today’s disappointing numbers underscore the widespread reforms McDonald’s requires … and these changes must go beyond new management to include refreshing its stale and insular board,” said Dieter Waizenegger, executive director of the CtW Investment Group.