McDonald’s Downfall: Even Kids Aren’t Eating Fast Food Anymore

Despite the billions in endless marketing on all major children’s programming avenues, even kids are eating less disease-breeding fast food. That’s the declaration from the latest statistical study on fast food consumption that comes along just as McDonald’s continues to lose profits month after month.
And we’re not talking about a small change here. You have to remember that the fast food industry absolutely thrives on convincing children to eat their chemical-laden garbage. It’s the heart of their ‘unchanging market’ as I would call it. A market that, quite unfortunately, cannot process the reality of what they’re eating.
After all, how many times do you recall chowing down on some french fries as a young child and only thinking about the next bite? You weren’t concerned with the toxic ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, trans fat, plastic yoga mat chemicals, preservatives, and the medley of other items that you were consuming.
Whether it’s the parents or the failing appeal of barely passable ‘food,’ we are now seeing a statistical decline in children chowing down as their ancestors did. Between 2003 and 2010, the percentage of children eating fast food on any given day went from a high of 39% to a lower 33%. It’s not perfect, but it’s also data from 2003-2010. I suspect if we examined the data from 2010 into 2016, we would see a much sharper decline.
Still, it’s progress.
Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, coauthor Colin D. Rehm is one of the first to actually look into the meta data of what children are actually eating. Previously, other studies focused on much less serious (and more profitable) issues like whether or not children preferred chicken nuggets or burgers.
According to Rehm:
“Most prior studies have focused on menu items, but this (one) actually looked at what children are eating… The take-home message is that changes can be made, whether they are due to consumer preference or due to what the restaurants have done themselves.”
He’s absolutely correct. Changes can be made, and we are seeing them already in the functional economy as McDonald’s nears its financial low point. It’s only as parents truly begin to discover what’s in their food that they make the conscious effort to protect their children as well. This transition, even in children, is happening on a level that we have truly never seen before when it comes to the food supply.
Even children refuse to buy into the marketing lies spewed by companies like McDonald’s, who refuse to adjust their menu to suit those who do not wish to devastate their bodies with low quality food.
I feel like they don’t deserve a second chance–that they will do anything for money, so even if they improve their menu options it is not because they care about people. No, they were willing to poison us. They don’t deserve a second chance even if they change their menu. They should actually be fined or serious legal action should be taken against them for what they have done.
when looking back, objectively at this Corp’s past, it deserves to be kicked out of the Restaurant business…..that is, gone bankrupt….no one eats there anymore…..will do it!
Same with Sears, Kmart and a bunch more…no one shops there anymore…..will do it!
The internet has brought these possibilities about! CLEAN UP YOUR ACT, AMERICAN CORP’S
I wouldn’t be surprised if king barry subsidises Mac and Don’s.
The only problem with socialism,is you run out of people to pay for it.
running out of people might be a minor problem….In actuality I believe socialism robs the new born, the young, the old of their individualism….which is more valuable to each than any dollar figure or political idea as suppression….
You forgot the “yet to be born”. Us oldsters need to remind the youngsters how it was really like when we left things to “The Beaver:.
you know what…..I have watched so little TV in my life that the show….leave it to Beaver…wasn’t it? I am only familiar with the title and a vague picture of one of the stars…..ha………I’m a poor oldster to get a fragrance out of our past from the bube tube of TV…..a magnificent technology….I think the 24 hour clock, killed…a usual semblance for relevant telecasts with little commercial ads…….if there ever was such a thing
actually I wouldn’t be surprised of that either
also….I wonder who set this guy calling himself the Pres..up for the take over! You and I are talking to each other and both, I suppose have done much to try at an answer. to that! He is an impostor not born in the US and falsified his ID’s and so forth…and the US House,Senate,Supreme court go along with this……………All that taken together is an Extreme situation…………….Mark MY, or Our word…………..if that also describes your thoughts………….People just don’t realize whats happened……………….Tis maybe just the Beginning…I don’t know that for sure……………..But Christ…..this event is massive…
and no did not know Barry gave Soros any as you say….tks for the tip
As I recall Mac and Don’s was a key cog in Obama’s job recovery plan. A couple years ago Obama was crowing about all the jobs he created, and 2/3 were flipping sliders at Mac and Don’s. Are people really waking up, or is it cheaper to buy some burger and make your own sliders at home?
yes, good point…..I have my doubt’s of people waking up….tis a difficult question all around the corporate and political scene….they might finally wake up if the Fed Gov makes a night raid upon the sleeping households….of some non descript neighborhood….and with these US Military so called training endeavors coming up soon here in OUR Country….I for one, am extremely concerned of Obama’s hidden cards and the US Military going along…each of them took an oath………….and it damn sure does not say….get after your own people….
I actually think people are waking up, but not fast enough. Despite what the media says, even the partially awake can see that the recovery is a cock and bull story.
6 years ago I was in Manila, Island of Luzon, and Dolores, Eastern province of Samar, Philippine Islands. Cops at the doors of the malls waiting to check what you were bringing in, and the military going on patrols in the towns. I thought “how odd” for being a republic, and Marcos being gone. Now after his highness king barry passed the NDAA (National Detain Americans Act) I see that every where in the USA today. The fact that just a few speak up about this tells me most are still sleeping, or hypnotized by the amazing feats of Kim Kardashin’s ass.
yea about the ass….problem is the control of the MSM and it being censored….SO to get a feed back of the even 40% of Americans, is difficult…..
Mac and Don’s deserves to lose business, but the blame for this being a staple of our kids diet has got to fall squarely on the medical system and the government that handed them a protected monopoly on our health care. People shouldn’t have to be experts on how to eat, but in this day and age you pretty much have to be if you want to stay healthy.
We must break-up the medical monopoly!
yes to that point……then leads to the wonder of how to break up the other monopoly’s also, which decrease our possible tomorrows….?
It’s a simple decision. My stomach says “NO” to Mac’s.