Surprise: Mainstream Media (FOX News) Admits GMOs Are a ‘Real Safety Issue’

If you are going to deliver bad news, it may as well come from a pretty face, right? At least Alt has a history for standing up for true alternative health methods, including raw milk, and the lessening of vaccine use.
Goldberg admits there are no long-term studies on human beings, but that lab tests involving animals are showing atrocious liver damage, kidney problems, and after just three generations of being fed a GMO diet, hamsters are basically sterile. The hosts of the show point out that the main problem is that GMOs are not labeled, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. Even if labeling were to occur, it doesn’t change the fact that GMOs are spreading uncontrollably around the world, contaminating non-GM crops and wild plants.
And those in power are pushing GMOs hard – making it difficult to fight back. Bill Gates, for example, proudly supports GMOs and has even purchased half a million shares of Monsanto stock back in 2010, so his connection with GMO development is undeniable.
This is a small caveat that the MSM offers the public, a tiny admission of the larger problem with GMOs overall when there should be a sounding of alarms to a much larger degree as an admonition of the genetically modified world. And it goes beyond food. Paper and lumber companies already have plans to liter the forests with GMO trees, another sign big business is more concerned with their wallets than the health of the planet and its people.
Read: Did GMO and Big Pharma Break the Hippocratic Oath?
After Monsanto, and multiple large corporations spent millions to defeat a GMO labeling bill in Washington just weeks ago, perhaps they are finally getting the hint that GMO activists aren’t going to back down. If Fox News is delivering this message, it might be a sign that the GMO Goliath is stumbling on his shoelaces and will finally be taken down.
“No long-term studies have ever been done on humans, but when you look at the studies that have been done on animals, it’s pretty appalling,” Goldberg said. “You’re talking about liver damage and kidney damage and when they fed it to hamsters, the third generation of hamsters weren’t able to produce babies, so there’s real safety issues.”
“The real big issue in our country Carol, is that genetically modified food’s are not labeled, so people do not know that they are eating genetically modified foods. Over 60 countries around the world require GMOs to be labeled but the US does not,” Goldberg added. “And why is that? According to the Food & Water Watch, the Ag-Bio tech industry, which owns all these GMOs, has spent $572 million on campaign contributions and lobbying to make sure that they don’t get labeled.”
While the Lame Stream Media is hushed about GMOs, good for Carol Alt and Fox.
However, on another Fox show-The Five, one guy (who usually is pretty intelligent IMHO) said the typical line about “don’t you want to feed starving children and save their eyesight?” thing so hopefully,Carol will straighten them out!
Carol! I love you!!
People need to see the research that Dr. N. Swanson and I’ve done!! I’m the one that dug up the statistics!
I’m not a Dr., just a carpenter, and an ex marine! If you still have any active brain cells left, it would be worth looking through this info below! Lots of people are using this data we’ve collected. Dr. Seralini, Dr. Carmen, Dr. Huber, Dr. Mercola……… and other GMO activists!!
Not to mention that Monsanto sits in OUR government’s seats in Washington, D.C.
Norwegians??? Try Monsanto, Rothschild, and Gates have a deep freeze vault, one of a few. I’d be impressed except they fall way short of telling the truth, then again they’d actually be reporting the news.
Thanks for saying that! There are something like 1,200 to 1,400 of these ‘seed banks’ worldwide, not just in Norway! How anyone could think there is only one of these in the entire world, only adds to the sensationalism of this story – which in this instance is ok with me, because it gets the word out about GMOs.
i have a vault of my own. I have 10 varieties of corn kernels stored. My father brought them with him from Mexico back in 1943
Thank you to those responsible for getting this information out into the mainstream. Education is So Very Important!
This is NEWS!
When did Fox News become Main Stream Media??
I have apparently been eating foods with GMO ingredients for many years. What will be the first sign that this has affected me negatively in any way? Please tell me! Just don’t say “do some research” or “educate yourself”.
Thanks Guavass. I’m 61 and no symptoms so far. Even if I do get them, how will I know that they were caused by GMO’s?
You won’t. WHat you will notice is that your once healthy family tree suddenly has a lot of sick children and grandchildren.
shorter life span
Are any of you getting Münchausen syndrome or Münchausen syndrome by proxy, or even Morgellons from eating GMO foods?
Eliot, research and educating ourselves is exactly how many of us found out about gmo’s because we were having some sort of symptoms. I will tell you that I believe heartburn is a big symptom. Millions of people are on GERD meds. Not me, at 3 months off gmo food, I went off meds, rarely have heartburn. Use your dollar to buy non gmo food and help put Monsanto and the other chemical companies out of business. It’s called the “tipping point.” Go to the website for the Institute for Responsible Technology. Everything you need to know is there. Find a Trader Joe’s near where you live. If its hours away, do like I do, go every few weeks and buy enough to get through. Whole milk, cheese, butter and even eggs can be frozen.
This is like a pandemic on our planet. In a very short period of time – EVERYTHING will be genetically modified. You can’t stop cross pollination from occurring. So labeling isn’t as important as completely BANNING any further use of these GMO crops! When other countries begin/continue to ban importation of our GMO crops, maybe something will change. Money talks! Oh, wait….the government will bail out the farmers by buying their un-saleable crops & feeding them to us and the livestock we eat!
Yes, you can stop cross pollination from occurring, but involves building greenhouses to keep bees out and hand pollinating everything with a brush.
It would help if the author had started her article by informing the reader what GMO stands for