1. Any one who has traveled interstate 5 in California knows where Hanford is located, you can smell it 10 miles before you reach it in either direction without getting out of your car. This should be a huge red flag as these poor beasts are allowed to stand in this ammonia hell hole for days in 100 deg temperatures. Why are we so stupid to allow this inhumane treatment of our food source. It makes me want to scream and vow to vegetarianism.

    1. I work in Hanford. It is not on interstate 5.

  2. Excess Manganese/deficiency of Copper in their diet.

    (Extra Low freq. in the surrounding earth might also trigger it)

  3. Cows are being fedd unnaturally corn & antibiotics by the tons ao if we ingest meats, dAIRY, this altered corn & POISIONS they ingest has no course but to attack us as well. The effect on the body is killing us with all this man made junk .What made them try and change mother nature they claim suppy and demand the world is over populated so the process of elimination keeps people sick , on drugs and who get the profits , we sure do not our soils are ruined , our food is contaminated, our waters are even making the fish sick , drugs found in so many of them because we are taking so much medicine and it's recyled right back into the waters .We can go with out food for a while but water to our body is a must have . If GOD so loved thie world he gave his only begotten son don't you think if people thinking they are superior to GOD who is said to be the prefect being isn't really makeing him mad just so some can profit off the lives of his other children it's no wonder sccience is trying to say this world will come to a end with out good soil, water , nuclar particles in the air ,& of course the BIG PHARM & FOOD Chains & the people that are so greedy to the point of profiting of the sick they have made so sick God is not going to sit still for this .You are tampering with his MOTHER Nature calling him the unsuperior being .I sure would not like to be in their shoes on judgement day .When Greed exceeds need it's out of control , money hungry like a vicious disease .Older people used to say money is the root of all evil turn evil around LIVE or life as we know it is being ruined as we know it to the expence of out very being .They have no cures , they have no answers of how to fix sick people they only treat symptoms maakeing us sicker .It's our fuel , the food going into our guts , it's not the food GOD provided for us .If it's enough to make a dog sick dog spelled backwards is GOD so not saying God is a dog but it's just to scarey to even think about when it's said he would be with us in sprit it did not say in human form , but who is loyal , man's best friend . Loves us unconditionally like God .I often wondered why children are so drawn to a little puppy so much LOve you see in a child with a little puppy and a heart felt warmth & who is suffering his children and all our animals not getting natural ways to eat .GOD help us all and have mercy on us as we are all blind but some know these are the ones making the money off of GOD so Loved world.

  4. Horse protein? Disgusting and truly heartbreaking. Wild horses are rounded up in the US and sold to be slaughtered in Canada and Mexico. Cattle would not willingly eat other animals.

    Let cattle graze, keep them out of feedlots, and keep the food supply clean. Someone?

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