1. Jenneson Grey says:

    We NEED to ban GMO's and or find a way to protect our precious organic crops from the evil powers of Monsanto. I am truly getting depressed and wanting to move to Ecuador or somewhere the produce has not been tampered with. JB

    1. Mae Thomas says:

      Ecuador? Are you kidding? I've been there. Places like Ecuador use chemicals on their crops that are banned here. New Zealand would be my choice.

  2. goldhoarder says:

    A lot of GMO propanda on MSM last couple weeks. Monsanto doing a PR campaign to make sure there is no chance of chang

  3. Where can I find Monsanto’s “stated goal” to show to others? I’ve been under the impression they do NOT want labeling becAuse this has driven them out of so many markets already? I am more interested in forcing serious longterm research before they hit the ahelves than on banning them without being certain what I am banning…meanwhile in light of their “secret ops” i am glad to live where tbeir CROPS are banned! Meanwhile they are losing markets to whom US foods can be exported at a brisk rate!

  4. Zen Honeycutt says:

    I want it banned now too. But I am also committed to being effective. We lobby for a ban and then what? Wait around for the politicians with the power to grant it to see the light about GMOS through the piles of money they have received from Monsanto? Do you really see asking for a ban as a pathway to effectiveness FASTER? I see it as much slower. You know what is effective? 1 Mom share with 10 Moms ( hosts a GMO movie night, Robyn O'Brien etc) and asks those 10 moms to each share with 5 Moms, and ask them to share with 5 and those five to share with 5. That one mom will be personally responsible for informing 1270 Moms in her neighborhood alone about GMOs. Moms buy 85% of the food. This happens NOW and it is GAME over by consumer rejection THIS YEAR. Not seven years from now after back and forth with the FDA and politicians. I am not saying don't ask for a ban. GO FOR IT! but don't say that people who are working night and day for labeling are doing something useless. Every person we reach through a conversation about our RIGHT to know, has access to thousands. and THAT is how we will win, by SHARING about GMOs, ourselves, now.

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