1. Kulafarmer says:

    WHat do you expect from a Democrat controlled legislature,,,
    The best interests of the people is NEVER the focus of government,, only to bolster their own power and erode the grass roots movement of the people against their rule..
    Hawaii has the worst track record when protecting the rights of her people,,,
    Our legislature is nothing but a bunch of yes men and women to special interest,,,

  2. Reality of Truth says:

    @ KulaFarmer ~ don’t make it about one side or the other; Both political parties are corrupt and neither side fights for the people, they all only fight for their corporate interests, lobbyists and to received more bribes to fill their campaign coffers.
    They do not care about what is proper, honest, and good, because they do not share these principles or values, neither party do.
    As has been said: Democrats and Republicans, just two sides of the same, dirty, corrupt coin.

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