1. Maria Raines says:

    I hope the people that are responsible for the above

    rot in hell.

    1. Wolf Lacey says:

      Wonder what's going to happen when their kids and relatives start dying from this crap?

      1. Lucy Adams says:

        The rich have the money to get select foodstuffs.

  2. Time for revolution!

  3. May they all rot in hell!

  4. And we still don't feel the need to fear big government? At the top, no one is responsible. While at the bottom, those who get caught doing the dirty work merely transfer blame to higher authority.

    C'mon folks! Wake up and smell the coffee.

  5. I have no beef with people more wealthy than me. I am not jealous of success. I just ask that you think about where the real power resides before you cast stones at anyone.

    Big government claims to be out there protecting you and that is simply not true.

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