1. Once the majority of Humans are diseased to death from GMOs, and other life ending tactics the NWO folks will just head to their seed pantry, aka the Svalbard Global Seed Vault or Doomsday seed vault, and begin living their utopian fantasy.
    They are not kidding around. They believe the planet belongs to them yet the people, paralyzed in fear, do nothing.

    1. Amidoinitright says:

      Because rice :contaminated: with a gene that produces vitamin a let loose in the wild might grow rice with vitamin a in it, Surely the end of agriculture as we know it, OF course it’s seed will be mixed with regular riice, leaving the next generation producing must less vitamin A. In a few cycles it would be the same as any other rice around it. Buy we need to be destroying any non heirloom crops right? wear your tinfoil when you burn those frankenfoods They might take over your tiny little minds,

  2. Cindy Koch says:

    This is why I think it’s a waste of time to vote “label GMOs”. If and when that ever happens, GMO’s will have contaminated everything. We need to start voting to BAN them now before it’s too late. Time isn’t on our side in this matter!

  3. greysurfer says:

    Maybe the likes of Monsanto have a plan to tell people “oh well, everything is getting contaminated now with GMOs, so you might as well accept them because they’ve already damaged your natural plants beyond recovery.” Fait accomplis.
    “The organization is calling on EU Commissioner Tonio Borg,…” oh crikey, what an appropriate surname….

  4. davidlfos says:

    The real problem is the lack of immediate accountability and ethical regulation. The people who infest the racketeering world of teleological pseudo-science and invest so much time and commitment in this utterly weaponized stupidity, will be long gone and probably dead by the time the real world consequences are reliably tracked and inventoried.
    If we do not invoke the precautionary principle with stalwart ecologically informed determination & robustly prevent, future generations shall be lamenting indeed.

  5. Yes, but when they plant those precious seeds they will be contaminated, too. And “just deserts”! they will suffer the consequences of this Pandora’s Box that has been opened onto the entire ecology!

  6. Shirley_Mae says:

    Do we know exactly when they became self-aware?

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