Genetically Modified Humans? New Gene-Altering Drug Paves Way for Mass Modification

We’ve seen genetically modified mosquitoes, genetically modified plants, and genetically modified cows, but could we soon be dealing with our own genetic alterations – genetically modified humans? As the months and years pass, scientists seem to be getting closer to ‘manufacturing’ humankind, with some of the most recent ‘advancements’ revolving around a new approved drug therapy that is designed to ‘correct genetic errors’.
Glybera, the drug which was approved in Europe on November 1, was created to combat against a rare disorder leading to disrupted fat production. Those suffering this rare disease possess what scientists describe as a damaged gene; the drug is meant to repair the damaged gene.
While the drug is only meant to be given to 1 or 2 out of every million people, it paves way for further experimentation into the field of biotechnology and human alteration. Soon, doctors may be giving out drugs to treat any ‘defects’ in genes, whether it be for the so-called ‘fat’ gene or another instance where a damaged gene is present. It could even apply to purported ‘criminal’ genes that are said to predict an individual’s future ‘life of crime’. It may sound crazy, but scientists are already making even more serious moves that will alter or ‘create’ humankind.
Further Genetically Modifying Humanity
Although gene-altering drugs are indeed helping to pave the way for further human genetic modification, it is only a single move in the game. Just a few months ago, we reported on the very first group of genetically modified babies being ‘created’ in the United States. The scientists stated that 30 babies were born using genetic modification techniques. In addition, 2 of the babies tested were found to contain genes from a total of 3 different parents. Genetecists state that this genetic modification method may one day be used to create genetically modified babies “with extra, desired characteristics such as strength or high intelligence.”
Interestingly enough, that day may come sooner than expected – at least for some of us. Even leading scientists are now pushing for selective breeding based on genetic makeup, ‘handpicking’ genes of offspring, and even developing cloning technology to ‘grow’ human hybrids and other bizarre experiments.
While gene-altering drugs and GM babies may appeal to the general public, scientists and biotech companies heavily funded by the government have been working on achieving a much larger feat -genetically modified humans in the form of ‘super soldiers’. These GM humans go beyond even the imagination, not requiring food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats, while being able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire.
The fact is that humankind has been moving toward a genetically altered existence for some time now, unknown by the general public. While the mainstream media will have you believe that drugs to repair damaged genes is the answer, no one really knows the kind of dangers that could come with such advancements. We’ve already seen how genetically modified foods can cause tumors and even early death – why wait to see what happens when altering the human genetic code.
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It is disturbing that no one mentions the probability that modified humans may lack empathy. Imagine the super soldier most probably will be a sociopath. Certainly there will be a belief of superiority above all of the puny humans who can't regrow their limbs and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Will genetically altered humans feel like freaks and suffer depression? Will they be alienated from society or, perhaps, out produce us and decide our inferior selves must be eliminated? Will we decide they are dangerous and THEY must be eliminated?
What else is new? The "E.T.'S in Dulce, NM's under ground "research" base, have been taking humans by the thousands, and "modifying" them. Nobody, including the CIA, NSA, Black Ops , etc. really don't care!! Sooo, what else is new???
Epicyte Labs in San Diego, California sponsored by Scripps Institute, developed the Epicyte Spermicidal Gene. Once they proved they could splice this gene into our food crops, specifically corn, Monsanto and Dow Chemical bought them out. This product is known as the "birth control" gene. It causes both women and men to produce antibodies to sperm making men sterile and women infertile. Researchers and biotech companies are now refining bio-drugs or genes that make our food drug transporters. This is no surprise as GMO's are part of the UN's Agenda 21.
Thank you so much for this comment. It is so nice to see people speak the truth. Peace to you
Freedom brings prosperity. Agenda 21 will be the imprisonment or the death of all of us. This is just one big mess.
Peace from Oregon
The answer to the government's problems is to kill millions and imprison millions. That must be our solution to the problem with the government. We have no choice, but to kill them when they come for our guns. Cops will have to give up within a couple weeks of trying to take our guns and then we'll have to take on the military. It's going to be bloody, but if we don't succeed then all the people suffered for nothing. We owe it to the Germans and Eastern Europeans who suffered for decades, because of these goons.
The elite need us, we don't need them to eat, clothes or shelter. When we eat their crap we end up poisoned and fat.
"TRANSMHUMANISM"=slaves for the ET'S!
OWhat does it mean to be human anyway? Chemtrails, radiation, genetically modified material all contribute to human genetic engineering. For information on how Chemtrails has genetically entire humans see ' morgellons' for information on deep underground based see 'alien digest vhst transit', for information on reptilian's book review see 'we must know wordpress reed reptilians'. The best explanation for the nature of this reality can be found online see (chiappalone great awakening'.
Do you want to move to the next tier of human civilization? We have to learn and utilize knowledge. Your killing your father Larry.
It's like each generation is living its own episode of the Twilight Zone.
human hybrids and other bizarre experiments
I will wait to receive my eternal resurrection body that will never see pain or death anymore freely given by the grace of God by faith alone, in Christ alone.
Since the model of the world you run in your head is so deeply flawed, you are already lost. Christ is an archetype for you to carefully consider emulating (or not), not a magic doorknob to a secret private VIP club of endless luxury that you can rub in just the right way to fool God into allowing you to enter.
Is there a high price for rejecting the “teachings of Jesus”? I’m betting there is! You on the other hand are betting your eternal soul on there being the equivalent of Santa’s List of Good and Bad Children.
Instead, seek justice in the concept of God. And then act on it as His agent. Stop demanding handouts like a spiled child. Be the source of good wholesome actions, love and decency, or burn where you stand.
I’m almost positive you will get nothing from my comment; because you are already lost. And that pains me (a little).