1. Dana Fiola says:

    I totally disagree with your conclusion as you have your facts completely wrong. You are wrong and it is poor taste and irresponsible to post such a negative article online or any where else for that matter.

    In simple terms most ground water is 3' to 200' deep that is the water taken from the ground for drinking. Sanitary rules for wells require that water be taken at least 50' deep with the first 50' being a sanitary seal to ensure water quality. Water moves very slowly through the Earth and as such 50' of earth is sufficient to filter all contaminates.

    Oil is found deeper than 1,000' and fracking to be profitalbe would be at depths closer to 3'000 ft. deep and more likely a mile deep. Why is that? Because fracking makes and artificial void for oil to seep into from the surrounding strata. Mixing a small amount of detergent into water makes water super-fluid and then pumping up the pressure to 5,000 psi or better sends that super-fluid water into any crack in the rock and widening the crack until there is a shatter effect. That shattered rock then allows oil to free flow and be drawn to the surface.

    There is many more chemicals daily going into septic tanks which are on the average of 10' below the surface plus human and animal waste. That waste water from septic tanks, then flows bach into the aquafer. I will chose the deep earth fracking over septic tanks any day of the week. Please get your facts right before heading of into a world of science that is obviously way over your head. Stupid people have a habit of doing and saying stupid things. Unfortunately stupid people think that they are somehow smart and intelligent with something import that others must listen too.

    Now, you went and wasted my time with a stupid assurtion and you were so proud of warning me of the perils of life. In the future shut-up!

    1. stuff it dude with your choice. without you actually living in an area that has been fracked and you drinking from those wells your comments are "saying stupid things". "detergent" the fluids are not. there is enough evidence now connecting the carcinogenic makeup of the frack fluids, and the contaminated drinking waters in many locales to frack the sites nearby.

  2. Dana Fiola probably defends the use of depleted uranium too, since the matrix media she is brainwashed by tells her DU is safe to us, although it does cause our own troops to die slow, suffering deaths.. She likely used fluoride toothpaste, sees her doctor regularly for drugs and vaccines, and follows all the other matrix media health protocols. Fortunately for the planet, people like her don't live very long…

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