FDA Pushes to Release Genetically Modified Salmon into Environment

The very genetic coding of the planet is no longer held sacred, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration. The agency is now pushing for the release of genetically modified salmon called ‘frankenfish’ to be unleashed across the globe, threatening the genetic integrity of the entire animal kingdom.
Mutated by scientists to grow twice as fast as a normal salmon through the manipulation of the animal’s genetic code, the genetically modified salmon created by the company AquAdvantage was actually blocked for approval by Congress back in 2011 due to serious health concerns.
In the report regarding the ban on the approval of the genetically modified salmon by Huffington Post, it is quite clearly spelled out how the FDA-backed mega company AquaAdvantage only cares about losing investors and profits — not the serious public health concerns.
Health Not a Priority: Genetically Modified Salmon Maker ‘Frustrated‘ Salmon Not Yet Unleashed Due to ‘Loss of Investors’
As the report details, AquaAdvantage head Ron Stotish had this to say about being blocked due to serious health concerns:
“He said, he is frustrated by the delay and has lost investors in his business…”
Poor Ron Stotish! This chief executive has lost investors! Never mind the fact that the GM salmon could proverbially ‘muddy’ the genetic ‘waters’ of nature, or cause unknown health issues in humans. No, that isn’t important. What’s important to Mr. Stotish is the loss of profits. Since 1991, AquaAdvantage pumped in over $67 million to develop this fish, and they are not going to stop fighting until it’s on your dinner plate.
Thankfully, Stotish has the FDA to proclaim how great genetically modified food is as usual. Ignoring the 37 diseases that Roundup is associated with and discounting all of the information linking GMOs to health concerns is ‘scientific’, after all. Even mild critics of the ‘frankenfish’ salmon argue that it could at the very least cause allergies in humans, let alone be unleashed into the wild and disrupt the genetic coding of fish for all future generations.
The genetically modified salmon contains both a gene from the Pacific Chinook salmon that causes the fish to produce growth hormone 24/7, as well as a gene derived from an eel-like fish that triggers the hormone production. This causes the fish to reach around 6.6 pounds instead of the average 2.8 pounds. It also reaches 24 inches instead of 13.
FDA Says GMOs Safe, Natural Foods Dangerous
The fact of the matter is that numerous heads of the FDA have a deep (or even current) history with biotech giants like Monsanto. People like Michael R. Taylor, the current Deputy Commissioner for Foods at the FDA, was actually a Vice President at Monsanto. This is the same man that led an assault and subsequent shutdown of the largest organic peanut butter factory. Meanwhile, tumor-linked GMOs roam free.
And so will this genetically modified salmon unless activism prevails against the FDA and AquaAdvantage.
But in the event that these GM salmon are unleashed, how will you know if you’re eating GM salmon? After all, US citizens eat more than 650 million pounds of salmon each year. As you may have guessed, the FDA says that the genetically modified salmon does not need to labeled as it’s the ‘same’ as regular salmon.
The fact of the matter is that this criminal organization must be stopped before the genetic coding of plants and animals worldwide is irreversibly contaminated. As biotech corporations with billions in funding begin to alter animals after already manipulating 80 plus percent of just about every staple crop, the fight for genetic preservation will continue.
The FDA is criminal indeed. They simply should never release these mutant fish or it will destroy the gene pool.
It will not only destroy the gene pool friends, it will also promote cancer and disease in all being who ingest these poor fish. Please remember, it is the aberrant growth of cells at multiplied rates that we commonly call CANCER…I feel this is not simply a question of "labelling" it is an absolute question of BANNING….These money/power hungry excuses for human beings must be made to understand that people DO NOT WANT TO LIVE WITH, CONSUME OR BE EXPOSED TO GMO. This is just another link in the depolulation agenda called Agenda 21. Take care friends, Awaken, Look Up, Speak Up and Live.
Does anyone remember the movie, "Mimic"? That was far-fetched when it came out but it is so much reality now. What will these GMO plants, fish and animals mutate into in the future?
you really need to looking into Tiaplia that fish you see in the market is the the real deal. Have you ever seen it with the head? Real tiaplia have short life spans so it would not be feasible to farm and have profit from it.
sorry is NOT the real deal. its a hybrid.
Go, go, go, Godzilla….
The FDA should NOT release mutant fish. We need to keep the gene pook pure!
Every time humans try to control or manipulate the natural world it always has unintended side effects. It used to be that we would introduce animals from other parts of the world into environments that could not defend it self or control the introduced animal. The introduced animal would over populate with no predators to control the new animal. Our family has been in the salmon fishing industry for the generations please do not try this ill conceived attempt to control the natural world.
I don't know about other people, but i am very committed to ensuring that our food is labeled and thus giving us the choice to eat 'gmo enhanced food or seeds'
Hi 503me ! I'm against labeling …GMOs , for the simple reason that ANYTHING processed is UNFIT for human consumption !………
The first GMO wheat used for mass production was created was with traditional means back in the 70's …it prodices gluicin , a byproduct hat is linked to overeating thus since this wheat was introduced Americans took on weight . You must also take into account the factory farming processes : battery farming which results in poor hygene of the animals , genetic modifications of therine , bovine growth hormones , vaccinations , medications , neotame laced , soya & animal flours based feed for livestock thus the nutricious vitamines and minerals in all of the "conventional" foods of mass distribution have all but dissapeared !!!
In France , the geneticaly modified freikenfish are not allowed to roam free … they are soley destine for isolated privet creeks& ponds …..
The solution is support of natural ORGANICS and the wonderful and numerous varaities of plant & animal comestibles ……
They are so unreal to nature that they may not even survive when released into the oceans. Don't other countries deserve a say in this?
I have read that we will be consuming GMO foods without our knowledge if we eat prepared food. I don't think labeling is the answer. I believe that banning it is what is needed.
Is nothing sacred? What do we do if the very agency who is supposed to protect us from things like this get bribed to push for it. Because let's be honest, there is no other way they would give this the go ahead otherwise.
F D A = Fraud and Death Administration. Thanks alot Obama for appointing the fox to guard the hen house. Michael Taylor should be on the top of the list of the worst possible choices. What about the conflict of interest? Appointing him was equal to putting Monsanto in charge of our food safety. What a stab in the back to the American people that put you in office. Traitor.
Ugh…. I appreciate being made aware of this threat issue. When will the madness stop? Thank you for posting so I can share with my circle of influence. We all need to be PROACTIVE in the issue of GMO's which are causing a global food chain and environmental crisis.
what i would like to know is whom to contact at the FDA to stop this madness? i was just on their webpage http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/ContactFDA/default.ht… but i don't know where to begin.
Please help spread this bad news, so we can turn it into good news, by putting a stop to this kind of evil.
Doesn't matter people this is for a corporation by a corporation and be damned us little people and the environment- they are hell bent on wrecking everything sacred- everything!!!!!!! They are "evil" and they rule this day- don't know when it won't be so either. I won't be eating any salmon thats for sure!!!! What a shame- shame on out government officials- shame on all of us too w/ out people being vigilant and aware- non of this would have got this far. God help us- i wouldn't blame him if he were a bit discusted in us either!
Money is the corporations god what do they care who they kill so long as they make tons of profits greed reigns nothing else.
This is an appallingly irresponsible and greedy act.
These fish were made for the purpose of aquaculture. contained ponds and raise the fish for market to help relieve the intense pressure on the wild fish, that are losing the battle and becoming severely depopulated. Makes excellent protein to send to the mid East, and North Korea and places like that.
So let’s not worry. This will just harm people in other regions of the world. Not here in the US!!!
Better, maybe become a vegan then you would not have to worry about all that stuff .
Any comment on that?
I agree. I am thinking this more often. Vegan – the safest way to go! I am ing trust in the FDA.
Yep. there's plenty of GMO veggies out there for ya to eat. Sure, most get fed to dairy cows and other farm animals and then we get to drink 'em in our milk or eat 'em in our meat, but there's already millions of acres of GMO contaminated corn that Monsanto is trying to sue farmer's for growing when the pollen blew across the road and fertilized non-GMO corn the farmers were growing and that corn suddenly became immune to root-sucking root worms the following year. The only safe stuff is what you grow yourself!
FrankenFish is too mild a name for this GROWTH MODIFIED fish that may affect other species in food chain or cross breeding …. Not safe & must be kept away from all other living species 843_926_1750 @Greens926_1750 http://www.hireLarryFireBobby.com @VoteLarryDis114
How about several million people file injunctions to stop these terrorists. Oh wait, that's too much work for people that would rather scream about how bad it is than DO something substantial.
why do that when all you gotta do is not buy the stuff. Let them waste their time and resources. We have absolute control. We are the consumers remember. When people don't want GMO's anymore they will stop making them. But until then its a golden coral buffet.
I am OK with transgenic organisms as long as they are properly labeled. For example, AquaBounty's product is not GM salmon, but a salmon-pout transgenic organism, because it contains the genes of both salmon and pout. It should never be referred to as simply salmon or even GM salmon. "Transgenic fish" is OK because both salmon and pout are fish.
History shows again and again, nature points out the folly of men…. Go, go, go Godzilla….
It's simple. You either conduct proper research – take 20 years or so to determine that it's safe or you label it and let people decide for themselves whether or not they want to be part of your experiment. You can't on one hand insist that it (GE Salmon) doesn't need to be labeled because it is "substantially the same" as what exists in nature, while at the same time insist that you are entitled to protection under patent law.
The real issue here is the insistence on having investors-it's the money, stupid. If we, as a global society abolished the debt-based money system with usury laws and instituted a resource based economy across the globe we would be able to together create a world that was safe and nurturing for all of us.
Not only would our entire salmon supply be affected but the animals that consume them in the wild as well. Look at our GMO eating cattle and the affect when we consume them.. Taste and quality obviously affected.
even more dispicable then the gmo issue itself is how is it allowed that these executives from these biotech corporations such as monsanto are allowed to serve in the fda in a capacity inwhich they have the power to bypass laws that govern our safety .and to put us all at risk for the sake of monetary gains,maybe we should look into their finances,can you say colution?
You can practically taste the vitriol the author of this site has for GMOs.
Genetic modification is an incredibly safe line of research, as reality is far removed from a Michael Crichton novel.
I agree that the food should be labelled as GMO, but the whole thing about it having unintended side effects is overly dramatised.
Thanks in support of sharing such a nice thinking, post is pleasant, thats why i have read
it fully
This is absolutely sick…just like Big Pharma, the food industry has become so corrupt, it is almost beyond any comprehension. The worst part is that we stand by and watching it happen without doing anything about it. In the end, it is our fault.
At least you agree to give us the right to choose.