1. blank michael davis says:

    Yet another reason why china sucks, I’m surprised with all the citizens of china protesting as much as they have that there has not been a military coup d’etat. I’m suddenly reminded of the old movie Soilent green, “Soilnet Green is people” now its “Chinese stamina pills are people, go figure.

  2. blank Aboulkhair says:

    Is there any way out of human greed? Every emerging power is following the West even when it is born out of people's revolution. No wonder majority of human race has given up and accepted slavery.

    1. @Alboukhair…I completely agree with your sentiments! We humans have a very dark and ugly side….the older I get, the more apparent this becomes:(

  3. blank Christinne says:

    blame the retards who breed recklessly thus providing stuff for that, dont blame the doctors….

    1. Even if people are breeding to fast there's no excuse for this !

  4. This is outright unacceptable and the culprits should be answerable

  5. blank Daniel Beck says:

    Freakin disgusting. Thats the most disgusting thing ive heard of in a while. That’s worse than Monsanto’s GMO food!! The Chinese just bought AMC Theatres…….wonder what they will be putting in the movies we watch? I think that people in high places are trying to out do each other and see who can be more vial, corrupt, and disgusting. Is there any good news out there????????? Haha, what a bummer to always be reading these terrible things.

  6. Reuters leaked a story a few years back that the Chinese government were importing the body parts of executed Chinese prisoners in skin creams! That's right, these are the same ones you see on countless 'infomercials' about remaining young. The disgusting part is the practice continues and nothing is ever reported about babies or human bodies. How long before Soylent Green is fully realized?

    1. you've apparently not seen the story about hamburgers made from poop.

  7. blank Morgan Azoh says:

    God’s Word in ” Timothy 4:1-5 “has clearly stated what we see today on planet earth. So should seek to know the LORD of life JESUS Christ of Nazareth,who alone as man came from heaven to overcome evil & his human agents. They are all over as politicians,scientist,religious bigots/business moguls all doing the bidding of Satan-the fallen Angel.

  8. Why am I not even remotely shocked by this.. I'm sure it's been going on for far longer than we know. There's nothing that will stop human greed or the vain attempts at immortality. Sigh…. so sad… so disturbing… so utterly void of respect for human life.

  9. blank Elizabeth says:

    How despicable is human greed? Where's the love?

  10. 13 million abortions? Should be 13 million sterilisations a year.

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