1. If you want to practice earthing…how long daily is beneficial barefoot? Also, what if you fear your lawn/ park is not pesticide free? How long after pesticides are put down is it contaminated? Thanks, KTex

  2. Wally Brown says:

    I have been doing this "earthing" for about 6 months and have found it helpful. I started with a bit of copper foil under my feet at my computer chair, since I spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Putting my feet on the foil for the first time – for maybe 6 hours, that put my feet and legs into some sort of condition that I can't quite explain, but it definitely changed some things. I had the foil grounded to a local power outlet ground. Then I purchased a special grounding bed sheet through the internet and have used that ever since. I sleep warmer in bed now. I seem to notice a lot of slight improvements in my conditions from this sheet. The sheet has silver thread woven all through it and this is then grounded to an outlet.

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