1. "So many times, organic food may only cost a little bit more, the same, or even less!"

    Who's writing this crap? Not only is the idea ridiculous that organic foods don't cost as much, but the above sentence doesn't even make sense.

    Organic foods DO cost more. You can call it "direct" or "up-front" cost if you want, but that is a terrible tactic. Money is money, and spending the majority of it on higher quality foods is something the average citizen (here in America) will have to come to grips with.

  2. pay me now, or, pay me later…

  3. Friday-How does that sentence not make sense? In most cases Organic does cost more; sometimes the same or less than conventional. I buy only organic, and there have been many times where organic was cheaper than name brand junk food. It also depends on the organic brand. If you are a smart, thifty shopper, you can buy all organic at a very reasonable price. Most Americans have no idea what is in their food, as they assume it's edible because the FDA says so. Until people change this way of thinking, people will continue to be fat, have heart disease, cancer, and be drugged out of their minds.

  4. I buy organic. Depending on the products, I find the organic cheaper, or equal to conventional. Many people are biased toward organic, or uninformed. At Kroger’s, I’ve seen people buying conventional apples for $1.plus a lb., when organic apples were cheaper at $.99 cents lb; and so on with the milk, butter, bread. It comes down to health concerns and education. Too many people are over-confident with trust of the food providers and FDA. Soon, in the future, society will not be able to sustain the healthcare of people made sick from eating pesticides and GMO; especially children, who have already had too much.

  5. Organic foods are more in demand now days and it provides a number of beneficial opportunities to the consumer such as it increases and repair health system of human being, and also more helpful in environmental protection. Therefore the demands of organic foods are now become more popular and it prevents us from various diseases.

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