Woops! Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse

A team of researchers looking into why cancer cells are so resilient accidentally stumbled upon a far more important discovery. While conducting their research, the team discovered that chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth. Beyond that, it even makes the tumor highly resistant to future treatment.
Reporting their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, the scientists report that the findings were ‘completely unexpected’. Finding evidence of significant DNA damage when examining the effects of chemotherapy on tissue derived from men with prostate cancer, the writings are a big slap in the face to mainstream medical organizations who have been pushing chemotherapy as the only option to cancer patients for years.
The news comes after it was previously ousted by similarly-breaking research that expensive cancer drugs not only fail to treat tumors, but actually make them far worse. The cancer drugs were found to make tumors ‘metasize’ and grow massively in size after consumption. As a result, the drugs killed the patients more quickly.
Known as WNT16B, scientists who performed the research say that this protein created from chemo treatment boosts cancer cell survival and is the reason that chemotherapy actually ends lives more quickly. Co-author Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle explains:
“WNT16B, when secreted, would interact with nearby tumour cells and cause them to grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy.”
The team then complimented the statement with a word of their own:
“Our results indicate that damage responses in benign cells… may directly contribute to enhanced tumour growth kinetics.”
Meanwhile, dirt cheap substances like
This accidental finding reached by scientists further shows the lack of real science behind many ‘old paradigm’ treatments, despite what many health officials would like you to believe. The truth of the matter is that natural alternatives do not even receive nearly as much funding as pharmaceutical drugs and medical interventions because there’s simply no room for profit. If everyone was using
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Cancer cells cannot survive in an alkalised body so taking bicarbonate of soda really helps. Also, cancer cells require 15 times the glucose of normal cells, so sugar feeds cancer. Simple info, cheap to do. No profit for big pharma. one chemo treatment is $300k clear profit. So who's going to tell you about bicarb and sugar?
I totally agree ,,,I've had breast cancer and if I knew what I know to be true now I wouldn't have had radiotherapy… No chemo thank god!…. I take a ph test every couple of weeks, alkaline nutrition works… Sugar is EVIL,,,,
Helena, you took the words from my mouth. YES, it was proven years ago that bicarbonate of soda is the BEST treatment anti-cancer and SUGAR that is highly processed is dreadful.
Thank you Helena… Not to Many…
Forgive me. This is a painful subject.
Having watched my relatives die off one by one from some type of cancer (I think Flouride is a problem for the human body)Skin, brain, kidney, bladder, blood, lung, brain & of course, breast cancer, cancer always won. They all did Chemo and radiation per Dr advice. They all died. ( One Aunt was told, brain radiation, would actually prevent brain cancer, it didn't. It killed her.)
I feel, in my heart, it has been known by Big Pharma, this treatment protocol wasn't EVER going to cure patients. It did however, produce vast amounts of money. They have known all along, about cancer being a cash cow. They know of cures and have silenced those brave souls who tried to expose simple cures to the public.
Animals face similar health issues, concerning over-vaccination, pertaining to animals cancer rates. Yearly vaccines are unnecessary. Tumors at vaccine sites are very high. Reactions, can cause death,even weeks after the vaccine was given, on previously healthy animals.
Big Pharma runs the Medical and Veterinary schools. Big Pharma makes all the drugs, with all the side effects, which will aid you in staying ill, in all probability, way into the future.
The graduates, know only what has been taught to them, or more importantly, what was NOT been taught to them, for whatever reason.
I have lost all respect for traditional Doctors, can't help how I feel – from more than experience/grief.
The 4 year passing, of my 49 year old sister first from breast, then bone, then liver and finally brain cancer was an eye opener. You learn a lot about cancer when your loosing someone you love to it.
Chemo and Radiation is not the answer to curing cancer. It never was.
Please spread the word to reach out, look for alternatives that do cure cancers, without harming what is healthy. We need to believe in ourselves and learn to heal ourselves. This begins with truth.
Open the window and let in the truth! It's a great view! The truth SHALL set you free!
Blessings to all,
from me and my dear sister, Gabriele.
I applaud you in your quest to inform the masses. I am with you.
I'm with you… Man money greed!
I totally agree I watched my father took one bout of chemo we BEG him not to do in 2 weeks he was gone this past April. This topic is very senstive to me and the former doctor he had was a quack I got him to a new doctor he was wonderful he said I would just leave it alone My Dad had terminal cancer but my Daddy wanted to try chemo I hate cancers its the devil!
Thank you so much Terri for sharing your heart and great concerns for your fellow man. It is amazing that people around the planet are actually now really looking into why there is so much suffering. We as a people unknowingly are polluting our own nests. The huge money makers should be ashamed of the chemical contamination that is out there in so many forms. When you start looking at the toxins and sicknesses the lists go on and on. Fluoride is a big problem and such a sad manipulation. We need to keep informed.
Thank you Jen for your kind words…
Terri and all…
Very sorry to hear about your sis Gabriele.
I also watched my Father struggle with stage 4 Brain Tumor (Thx Agent Orange). They cut his head open twice like a baseball, chemo, radiation, testing him like a guinea pig… all in 8 months, including 3 months of a coma (his body just needed a rest, eh).
I too will never go that route. Since Fukishima happened I realised that we are all guinea pigs.
No more. Add Zeolite to recommendations of baking soda, organic food, and sugar (good brand: ZeoForce = cheaper and finer than others). Google it – used during Chernobyl and currently in Japan.
We must be the change we seek – and continue to share knowledge gained with others.
p.s. Be sure to purchase Tumeric that is non-irridiated to have the effect desired (health food stores).
I had triple negative invasive ductal carcinoma removed six months ago. That breast cancer is the baddest of the bad. I've declined 20 weeks of chemo and 6.5 weeks of daily radiation in favor of 50 gram infusions of Vitamin C, hyperbaric treatments, low carb/low sugar diet and many other changes. Thank you for this information. It gives me the strength to continue my life, my way, when I hear of these findings.
Wow Katheryn! I'm in the same boat as you. 18 weeks later(I see that's when your post was written). How are you doing now? Plus what were your reasons for declining therapy?
Wow, how suprised we are…Again an time to remind you all that the so called myth of cancer, does not exist. The incredible discovery done my Dr.Hamer 30 years ago, is so solid, logically and the basis for a paradigme shift of enourmous proportions. Do not belive this, rather understand it and have the courage to accept it.
Yes, we do agree with dr hamer.
I can take the information in from both sides. I am a doctor who wants her patients to be healthy, allowed to heal and do so as naturally as possible. Yes…chemotherapy is poison. No, it does not discriminate all the time between cancer and healthy cells. Yes…it is painful and uncomfortable and ugly. No one enjoys it. NOW…it also is very effective in most instances in decreasing tumor size, sometimes to the point of being undetectable. It is a course – a time of therapy. It is not forever. MANY MANY MANY people survive their cancers and go on to live fulfilling lives. It is NOT always successful. But check your resources….I assure you that it is more successful than vitamin d and turmeric and ginger and any other number of less toxic agents. I want people to heal, and heal naturally. But the evidence is weak to make the completely natural, no "chemo" approach the primary one that is recommended. I applaud anyone who makes a life change to the healthier and finds a way to strengthen their body enough to defeat cancer. They are in the minority, and very special. The majority will die sooner if they do not treat. All chemotherapies are not the same. There are many treatment modalities, with varying degrees of side effects and success rates. Please don't lump all cancer treatments into one collective entity, and then encourage everyone to discard it. It has saved many people. Maybe the answer will be in the combining of the lower toxicity treatments with more natural body supporting therapies. Just a thought.
I have seen multiple cases where no chemical intervention was ever used and the cancer was completely irradicated. A golfball size breast lump diminished to a pea size mass. The truth is that of the slow growing cancers, people are not given appropriate choices. There is absolutely no need to jump into surgery in most cases, especially if the cancer is slow growing. AND there are many natural herbal and vitamin supplements that help reduce these. But I am a huge advocate for the Raw Living Food diet, as used by Ann Wigmore. The enzymes in raw food will actually cleave the oncogene. No doctor will tell you that. It is a natural approach, and I salute anyone who makes the choice to help their body heal. Our bodies are amazing, and not only will the Raw Living food diet help cure cancer, it will cure a number of preventable diseases, such as diabetes. It will also prevent diseases. By switching from the SAD diet (standard american diet) to the natural enzymes that occur in raw living foods, you will survive to a ripe age of over 100 years old. I plan to live to be at least 120 years of age. Anyone else want to join me? I can teach you how, and give you excellent resources. Doc Wah
I agree with you. I feel Ann Wigmore’s protocol is the best. Max Gerson is also fine, as is Johanna Budwig’s. Research them all out. Bill Henderson’s book is great as is Ty Bollinger’s. The two books give a good all around view of cancer and the cancer establishment.
I’m 79 year’s old and haven’t seen a doctor in 15 years. I feel great. No meds of course and I love raw food.
I’d also like to see the original study. Who out there has this resource?
Western medicine considers that removing the tumor by surgery , chemo treatment and by radiation will remove and cure the patient with cancer.
This system of treatment has been proven , time and time again to be Inefffective and useless.
pls visit this link
Very well said. There is a fundamental flaw in the approach of western medicine in treating cancer. Reduction in the size of the tumor through chemo, radiation or surgery does not in any way guarantee that the patient is cancer-free. Often, the cancer metastasizes to other vital organs and in a year or so the patient gets back the cancer. Why did the cancer come in the first place is something no researcher is interested in. It is true that there is no money in prevention. When a patient is suffering from a severe lung infection with high fever, it is like administering a powerful antipyretic and bringing down the temperature and calling it a cure.
The 1994 Journal of Clinical Oncology stated that chemo was ineffective in 97% of patients
A patient undergoes chemotherapy and lives another five years and the doctors call this a success. Another patient undergoes chemotherapy and dies within months and the doctors say that they did everything they could. It's a hit or miss game. The patient that lived an extra five years… how can we be certain that their longevity was due to the chemotherapy? Maybe they would have survived the extra years WITHOUT the chemotherapy. Chemotherapy kills healthy cells pure and simple but I've never heard a doctor attribute a patient's death to the chemotherapy, it's always the cancer.
I didn't see the original study so I can't actually substantiate, but heard that untreated (by allopathic med) cancer patients generally lived 3-4 times longer than untreated… Personally I believe we have been 'sold' Cancer as a death sentence (unless you take OUR meds…) and it is the mental attitude that becomes disabled by that lie. Most who make it though cancer, whatever the treatment, do so because they believe implicitly in their own survival… §
The brief mention of "One woman recently hit the mainstream headlines by revealing her victory against cancer with the principal spice used being turmeric" omits the minor detail that this woman (Google "Victoria Stewart") underwent a mastectomy, radiation therapy and chemotherapy to supplement her "turmeric". You'd think that was an important piece of information! Her "victory is that she has, so far, managed 5 years of remission without taking tamoxifen. Color me unimpressed.
It's a little hard to trust an article on cancer research when 1) there is no link to the study in question, and 2) the author doesn't know the word "metastasize."
Couldn’t agree more!! How irresponsible to make these claims and not support them.
When medicine and this medical racket is a multi-billion dollar industry it is in the best interest of the people to push the most profitable way of doing things. What you do is the slander and discredit anybody who comes up with cures and keep killing off people for profit. A cure will NEVER come along because there is too much money at stake. To many jobs would be lost and too many people would loose too much. So just give up your notion that a cure will come for anything.
I wish it was a simple as that but the truth is MUCH MUCH MUCH more darker than that.
Dec 12 1992 my mother died from Chemotherapy and Radiation . She had a cough , they found one small lump in her breast and non removable lump near her lungs and heart. After the treatment the cancer spread through her body. She drowned to Death, her lungs were filling with fluid and had to be drained. I live near the Cancer Clinic Know , maybe It's time pay them a VISITE.
Lupron made my dad's advanced prostate cancer shrink to undetectable within a matter of days.
what is Lupron?
Most cancer is curable and being done. See https://www.burzynskimovie.com//
As a cancer survivor, twice now, I believe that chemo has come a long way from the first time I had to take it in 1996. Your chances of beating cancer are far better now with the new medicine and treatments available to people.
Great article. I like the mention of the benefits of turmeric and ginger for cancer. I believe an alkaline pH balance in the body is beneficial for health.
To secede States wishing to do so should promise much better advise to cancer patients and failure to do will not be allowed,Also chem trails will be outlawed and enforced.
I too am looking for the original article. We really need to be able to show we did are homework… I don't like circular references! The link provided I the other comment is not working, either. Please provide citation for the whistle-blowing or atleast explain where you got this info from. Thanks!
No—Always X-out the part of the form where they try to make you responsible for charges your insurance doesn’t pay Write on the form that you will “not accept responsibility for any charges not paid by your insurance other that your contracted co-pays and monthly premium” and then find the part where it says that they might have doctors not on your insurance and you’re responsible to pay them and write: “I do not authorize treatment or services from any provider not on my plan” and if you do this EVERY TIME you will never have a surprise bill. The hospital CANNOT refuse to treat you for doing this by law and you do not have to accept personal financial responsibility. They will hand it to you and say “oh it’s just boilerplate language…” but NO BOILERPLATE AGREEMENT IS EVER WRITTEN TO BENEFIT ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ENTITY THAT HAS IT DRAWN UP AND WANTS YOU TO SIGN IT. You better believe the hospital/doctor’s lawyers sweated blood over every word, so READ IT and mark out and initial anything you do not agree to accept.
As a breast cancer survivor that had chemo and radiation, I know I will NEVER do it again. I got a call the other day from my oncologists nurse. She was shocked to find me still alive after 10 yrs. I told her I started drinking Zija, a moringa oleifera based drink 3 yrs and it turned my body back the way it was before chemo & radiation. I had so many terrible side effects from the drugs & radiation. She asked for a sample of the drink, but I'm sure it will never be shared with a patient. So sad that people are never told about natural products that could very possibly change the outlook for a cancer patient. Of course that would not make big Pharma any money would it?
To Katheryn Turmeric is very effective for breast cancer cells. Katheryn, do you own research on the internet. Eat at least 2 spoons of turmeric a day (tea/smoothly/curry/organic tablets/oil) with freshly ground black pepper, as piperine increase bioavailability of curcumin. Stop eating any sugar as its feeds cancer cell, stop eating processed food, refined oils only flax seeds/avocado/coconuts, stop using toxic cosmetics, stop using microwave, etc.. Also, for breast cancer use thermotherapy (e.g.3 time a day), or hot stone therapy, with the stones placed on your breast, is effective, as the breast cancer cells are close to the surface of the skin and the heat can penetrate the skin and causes cancer cell death with higher temperature at 43C.
Do your own research e.g.
Book by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, free to read on-line "The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees, Thermotherapy in the New Century” ,
Book free to read on line "Alternative Cancer Remedies" .. by Vance Ferrell,
Cellular and Molecular Life Science, 2008 "Review Curcumin: From ancient medicine to current clinical trials" by H. Hatcher, R. Planalp, J. Cho, F. M. Torti and S. V. Torti
Dear Anthony Gucciardi. Your tagline describes you as being an accomplished investigative journalist. Did you investigate the story you referred to at all? A less biased source of the story mentions that this development occurs in advanced cases of solid cancers where the cancer has spread throughout the body (metastasized). It also mentions that the discovery will help future treatments with the inclusion of WNT16B inhibitors to improve effectiveness.
Secondly, regarding the study finding turmeric reduced tumours by 81%, I remember reading about that. The actual study found tumours were reduced (marginally) in 81% of cases. Big difference.
I’m actually doing a study at the moment of how alternative news (and health) sites intentionally mislead their readers by omitting crucial details of the original story.
Congratulations – you’ve site has qualified as an example of this happening.
There are so many facets regarding disease-I myself was treated via doctor, optional surgery , and big PHARMA prescriptions which to avail I did not get better except temporarily and spending lots of money. What I experienced was a tremendous amount of research hidden and debunked by FDA and the money making conglomerates that control the truth from the American people. Only until the last 10-20 years that we’ve had the Internet that all of the research and actual cases of vitamin an nutrition “alternative” treatments that we have been able to understand that there are alternatives instead of being brainwashed that chemo, radiation, pills etc. we’re the only HOPE. I believe that information and options were never the desire of the FDA and big PHARMA that they wanted to be valued as an option for the people. So a study on how much profits and how much money the cancer business ALONE brings in…we’re not even talking about the other diseases.just take a pill, have surgery and never supplement and have a healthy lifeste
Continued—Lifestyle! Also, insurance will take care of those when we have chosen to eat the junk(processed, fast food, little vegetables, GMO foods( do the research on what that’s doing to the body) cokes, aspartame, no supplements-get the picture? All I can say honestly share w you is that when I changed my lifetyle(juicin-veggies) supplementation, and started researching and finding a wealth of info and trying different things–(himalayan salt baths, dmso, and supercharging my body with vitamins and MINERALS-that my body DID HEAL ITSELF. Some are too far gone in illness no doubt -wait til Obama care kicks in-you might decide to start looking to become your own doctor and seek the “great physician for truth and HIS wisdom regarding healing…
After losing 3 to disease in a 5 year period-traditional medicine did not do anything but prolong their life for a short time . America has the “best health care system??!! Yet we are the so sickest nation (high blood pressure , heart disease-etc) I mean if it were so great-why are we all getting disease and dying? Even our children-autism, add, cancer, diabetes) All out healthcare system does is try to treat the symptoms and not get to the real issues of disease! The alternative approach is simply trying to restore the body to the healthy hemeostasis of the body through a weakened immune system, getting vitamins and minerals into the body to improve cellular action. And to detoxify it as well
After losing 3 to disease in a 5 year period-traditional medicine did not do anything but prolong their life for a short time . America has the “best health care system??!! Yet we are the so sickest nation (high blood pressure , heart disease-etc) I mean if it were so great-why are we all getting disease and dying? Even our children-autism, add, cancer, diabetes) All out healthcare system does is try to treat the symptoms and not get to the real issues of disease! The alternative approach is simply trying to restore the body to the healthy hemeostasis of the body through a weakened immune system, getting vitamins and minerals into the body to improve cellular action. And to detoxify it as well
Cannabinoids. CBD. The future of the informed.
As a nurse, I think this site has many helpful articles and i have encouraged others to read them. Chemotherapy can be toxic, especially some particularly aggressive combinations and drug regimes. I have known patients who are not helped by natural remedies and others who have recovered. I think ginger and turmeric are particularly helpful in a preventative way.
This commentary is a complete misrepresentation of the Nature Medicine publication. The authors did not find that chemotherapy made cancer worse – they identified a mechanism that resulted in tumor resistance to the chemotherapeutic agent. The findings don’t say chemotherapy resulted in cancer spread, they reveal a reason why the treatment becomes less effective over time. Without treatment, the cancer can and will spread. Researchers have already started trying to develop inhibitors of the proteins discovered by these scientist which could potentially make chemotherapy less prone to resistance. Articles like this are completely irresponsible and frankly reprehensible.
Really? You’re a liar. Studies paid for by the tobacco companies never found a link between smoking and cancer either. Study results depend on who paid for the research. They have NO interest in CURING cancer–they want to TREAT cancer–for big money. If they’re so interested in a CURE why is the 39-year old platinum-based chemo STILL the frontline treatment for all tumor cancers? Where’d that TRILLION dollars in research money go? Where the mainstream CURE? There’s NO money in a healthy population.
it depends what is meant by natural remedies. maybe they haven’t tried enough, there are so many different options of miraculous nature to heal. sometimes people may continue to poison themselves with artificial stuff interfering with nature’s process
This article is a misrepresentation of the research. It makes me so angry that the author can just make stuff up about this research. Chemotherapy saves lives. It saved mine. A small number of people find that chemotherapy works initially and then stops working and these researchers were trying to discover why. They did! And now that small group of people that develop resistance also have a better chance of beating cancer. The worst thing about this article is that it might put people off having life saving treatment or cause them to cut their treatment short. The statistics are there; more people survive cancer than at any other time in history. And it’s not because of garlic and turmeric! Read about the real research here:
I had chemotherapy for triple negative breast cancer. My tumours were doubling every three weeks and chemotherapy killed them. I know that chemotherapy isn’t a ‘perfect’ treatment (what is?), but you only need to look at the survival figures to see that more and more people are surviving cancer than at any other time in history. If you check the data bases on cancer you will find that there accurate statistics available for those that do not respond to chemotherapy and those that die because of side effects like neutropenia. You ask how we can be sure that anyone’s survival is due to chemotherapy? Because it’s a statistical fact. Thousands of people are alive because of it and modern protocols mean that my only side effects were hair loss, a mild rash on my arms and a metal taste in my mouth. No nausea, no weight loss and most of the time I felt fine.
I say they survive in spite of the chemotherapy not due to it. And actually the rates of survival are based on 5 yrs and if they die at 5.5 years they are still considered cured but were unfortunate to get yet another cancer. Its a game with numbers. Its amazing that so many are cured by alternative methods AFTER being given up by the conventional docs or butally damaged by conventional medicine. Those that survived chemo, radiation and surgery are blessed.
How come Oncos order mastectomy first, if Chemo can “cure”?
If you had a surgery, and THEN chemo, you survived the chemo, while surgery removed cancer.
They do it to get the tumor load down–the less cancer to kill the better chance of survival. I had a 100% surgical removal and they still tried to force me to do chemo which I adamantly refused–which is the only reason I’m still alive. They killed my sister with chemo–we had the exact same cancer.
You have NO idea how lucky you are–but you will more than likely get a metachronous cancer which is the cancer the chemo gives you–the number one side effect of chemo is MORE cancer so be vigilant with your checkups. Chemo has a 2.1% cure rate–you are extremely lucky. They bury the other 97.9% so obviously they can’t go around telling people that the chemo killed them.
It isn’t true that chemo only has a 2.1% success rate despite what this (PMID: 15630849) study claims.
A letter to the editor (PMID: 15997929) listed a number of problems with it: ”The authors omitted leukaemias, which they curiously justify in part by citing the fact that it is usually treated by clinical haematologists rather than medical oncologists. They also wrongly state that only intermediate and high-grade non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of large-B cell type can be cured with chemotherapy, and ignore T-cell lymphomas and the highly curable Burkitt’s lymphoma. They neglect to mention the significant survival benefit achievable with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem-cell transplantation to treat newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma [4]. In ovarian cancer, they quote a survival benefit from chemotherapy of 11% at 5 years, based on a single randomised-controlled trial (RCT), in which chemotherapy was given in both arms [5]; however, subsequent trials have reported higher 5-year survival rates. In cancers such as myeloma and ovarian cancer, in which chemotherapy has been used long before our current era of well-designed RCTs, the lack of RCT comparing chemotherapy to best supportive care should not be misconstrued to dismiss or minimise any survival benefit. In head and neck cancer, the authors erroneously claim the benefit from chemotherapy given concomitantly with radiotherapy in a meta-analysis to be 4%, when 8% was in fact reported [6].
The authors do not address the important benefits from chemotherapy to treat advanced cancer. Many patients with cancers such as lung and colon present or relapse with advanced incurable disease. For these conditions, chemotherapy significantly improves median survival rates, and may also improve quality of life by reducing symptoms and complications of cancer.”
You’re full of crap and a Big Pharma Shill. I’ve stopped high-grade serous carcinoma of the ovaries and uterus cold for 19 months with my own protocol. I’m the longest and ONLY known chemo-naive survivor of what I have so I must be doing something right since I’m still alive and my tumors that normally double in size every six weeks haven’t progressed in 19 months. Chemo for this cancer killed my sister (also BRCA1+) 11 months from dx to grave. I’ve lived almost twice that long with NO chemo and NO radiation so sell your BigPharma BS down the road. Chemo makes cancer cells immortal–and I’m not the only one cured of cancer with what I’m doing. 19 other people following my protocol are having the same or better results depending on the stage of their cancer–I started at stage four. If I had allowed myself to be chemo-ed I’d be dead now. I’ve got a dozen oncologists completely baffled as every damn one of them told me if I didn’t do chemo I’d be dead by Christmas of 2016. I don’t have so much as a swollen lymph node and my 90-day MRIs confirm no spread–of the cancer that is a weed and seed and kills with explosive growth. Why don’t you tell people what your markup is on chemo drugs? Or perhaps you’d like to explain why 80% of the income of every oncologist in America is from FAILED chemotherapies? There’s a SPECIAL place in hell for Mass Murderers and every oncologist is going there.
Wrong-O sugar. The number 1 side effect of chemotherapy is MORE cancer called “Metachronous cancer” which shows up in about 5-6 years. Guess what they do for it? That’s right–MORE chemo. Considering that 80% of every oncologist’s income is failed chemo, the success rate is 2.1% in America–however, even such a tiny percentage does add up eventually. Everyone I know doing chemo died including my sister–11 months diagnosis to grave so when I got the same cancer, I refused chemo. I’m nearly 2 years post-diagnosis and stable–and I have the most aggressive, most malignant and most deadly of ALL the ovarian cancers. High-grade serous carcinoma–so did baby sis. She’s dead as fried chicken–FROM THE CHEMO—she died of a ruptured esophagus brought on by chemo-induced vomiting and bled to death in front of our 80-something parents. I know this is wasted since you’re probably dead by now as chemo makes cancer immortal.
Hey Meg? Still alive? I’m betting No.
Wow. What a totally heartless comment!
Yes, I am actually still alive and now in very good health. I’m practicing yoga every day, eating well and probably healthier than I was before cancer.
I suppose this is a huge disappointment to you. By the way, all of the other women that were having chemotherapy at the same time as me are also still alive, five years after we were diagnosed! Go figure!
I’m pleased to be wrong. I’m the last one alive from my ovarian cancer group. The other 39 went the chemo route that I refused and one by one I watched them die. I couldn’t join another group after that.
Chemotherapy cured my cancer. I had cancer tumours that were doubling every three weeks. I had chemo pre-surgery and was able to monitor the tumour death using ultrasound. They’re gone. I’m well. The statistics on chemotherapy speak for themselves. Thousands of people now survive cancer because of it. It is both dangerous and cruel to undermine its value because it puts people off this life saving treatment.
How many other people do you know that were cured by chemo to the ratio of people that were killed or died from the chemo or cancer?
That’s because the dead ones can’t walk around touting their cure. By the way, the number one side effect of chemo is MORE CANCER in 3-5 years called a metachronous cancer. Still alive? Still cancer free? Not likely–but they treat the cancer you got from the chemo with MORE CHEMO!! Cancer is an immuno-deficiency disease. I refused chemo for mine and that’s the only reason I’m alive.
An immuno-deficiency disease??
What do you mean when you say: ”Cancer is an immuno-deficiency disease”?
When my grandma had cancer she choose not to have treatment and lived for years. It was only in her final 6 months that things went really bad and then she had to go to hospital, and then into a hospice. The hospital sent her for some radiotherapy. She was too bad to have chemo I think by this stage and it wasn’t offered. The radiotherapy made her a lot sicker and she died shortly after her treatment finished. At the same time a close friend was diagnosed with cancer. She had chemotherapy and again it made her a lot sicker during and after her treatment. It killed a lot of her tumours but the cancer quickly came back and was worse. She also died about a year after her chemo. I have read a lot where apparently the best prevention against a lot of types of cancers is to cut out meat and dairy from your diet. As a vegan now for 2 years this hopefully makes my cancer risk low, but if I ever do get cancer I think I’ll stick with the turmeric and ginger and when it’s my time to go I’ll opt for dying peacefully with the aid of an end of life nurse like my gran did.
Your second cancer (called a metachronous cancer) is the cancer you got from the chemo–don’t be surprised if you get another one–which will again be treated with chemo.
The bought and paid for corrupt FDA considers any treatment that shrinks a tumor by 50% to be an effective cancer treatment–and it doesn’t mean jack squat for a CURE.