1. With over 9 billion of us on the planet, this should be viewed as a good thing

    1. No, I'm not a supernatural being from Norse mythology. Nor am I paid to write this. I don't think I'm part of the "elite" either. I hope I didn't offend the author, it is well presented information. You might be right that overpopulation might not be possible. Nature has always had a way to deal with excessive populations, but I really don't favor starvation or epic diseases. My grandchildren will never exist. I choose not to have children, to make a minor effort to help correct the problem.

    2. hyou can be first to go.

      1. I've written my Member of Parliament that we should have assisted suicide. So far we don't have it, unlike some other countries.

        Some religious person, a while ago, said that Texas is big enough that every person could have a square acre, and still there'd be room. I countered with putting a house, a well, an outhouse, trees for fuel, and grow enough food for the year on that acre, and see how well you do.

    3. Too bad it didn't happen to your parents.

  2. Just talk to anyone who has been trying to conceive unsuccessfully and you will find that it is both a male and female issue. Fertility clinics that had only a few seats 10 years ago are now PACKED waiting rooms with couples in their sexual and reproductive prime. The agri corp sector and FDA and TPTB have successfully destroyed future generations with their poisons……Check out Dr Mercola's long but worth watching 2 part interview with Dr Don Huber about these problems with livestock across the country, on youtube. or Mercola.com web site.

  3. Over population! noooo just poor government/laws and religion short ciruiting the natural ability in man to organize in a natural/organic way to supply his needs.

    I read recently that if we took all the people in the world and put then in downtown L.A you still get a square meter each. I don't know if it is accurate but it sounds about right.

    Absentee land owners are the problem. They should have no right to land use if local populations desire that land be used differently. If you cant see the land you claim from your dwelling door you shouldn't be allowed to own it.

    Private companies that produce products that damage the health of innocents should make good with acceptable compensation or lose the right to life. In the case of corporations that should be total loss of charter and redistribution of any value to the victims and severe prosecution of the (ir)responsible company officers.

  4. blank Walt Whitman says:

    I'm sorry but I agree with Drew to an extent. There are far too many people on this planet and something has to change! This poor earth can't sustain so many people without suffering bad consequences and it's just going to get worse!

    1. Thank you Walt.

      But be careful, others will say nasty things to you.

      Maybe I can sarcastically say to you "get a life".

  5. blank Colletti Lisa says:

    I opted out too. Not that I was given a choice. I question why so many of my peers were infertile. (pollution?) There are too many dumb people and dumb practices and too much pollution and disrespect for mother earth to make for a quality of life for any children I would have chosen to have.

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