1. Of course Apple would want to curb any worry about cell phone radiation. Anything that threatens profits even in the face of harming human health is taboo. Don't buy. Monetary is the only language these pursuer's of death or harm understand.

  2. RE: user F..K, your feedback was crazy and you are one insane potential killer.

  3. I have no use for cell phones. I have seen too many turn into demented vegetables from using them.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      there's a company (Aerius, USOTC symbol AERS) that makes a cell phone that eliminates 98% of the radiation emitted by all the other cell phone makers. this has benn documented by this country's (U.S) FCC. google Aerius for the rrest of the story.

    2. As opposed to smart vegetables?

  4. Follow the money, gang. Look at the ads on this site. That's who's profiting from all this.

    1. blank In Lak'ech says:

      Profiting from what exactly? Nowhere in this article do I see something like, "buy this" or "buy that"

      I see one ad and it's for Natural News, another cool site like this one.. Go read CNN and post a comment like you have here.. You would be stating a more accurate opinion there instead.

  5. blank i phone apps says:

    a day, the real benefit may not directly be derived through having an extra five minutes for 'productive' work. The benefits may, in fact, be delivered through customer satisfaction

  6. Chuck: Yes, I tend to agree if only because those with smart phones tend to keep their noses in their smart phones. They lose the art of communication and the ability to make eye contact with other human beings. Some folks family gatherings have turned into cell phone parties with no one speaking, smiling, laughing or sometimes even acknowledging that anyone else is in the room. Sad really.

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