1. blank Ben Bristow says:

    What next? Complaining about WiFi access points that are scattered around pretty much every decent educational facility nowadays? Oh wait, many people already have.

    1. blank Undecider says:

      WiFi has been proven hazardous. People think that because they don’t fall over dead within an hour, it must be safe. It’s called “long term exposure.”

      1. blank Ben Bristow says:

        What do you want us to do instead?
        Have a jungle of ethernet cables going to everyone’s portable devices just so they can access the internet, just because some studies say that it could be dangerous after an unspecified period of time?

        1. blank Tammy Bondhus Morimoto says:

          Why does everybody think they “need” all those portable devices. 20 years ago the only people with cell phones were doctors and drug dealers, but now everybody thinks they need one. It’s a luxury, and has not really improved quality of life as much as some people think. To the contrary, having the Interent at your fingertips every second often distracts people from more important things.

        2. blank Tonypepperoni says:

          Oh no, whatever would we do w/o our smart phones kind sir? 🤔🙄

  2. blank jserink2004 says:

    Look, guys, you’re starting to become like the modern version of green peace here.
    Everyone agreed with green peace circa 2000 so they weren’t radical looney-left anymore. Because some quarters in green peace WANTED to be looney, they went nuts, now they are just that. Nuts. No one takes them seriously anymore. Is that what natural news wants?
    A cell phone tower? Are you serious? Cell phones work at frequencies from 800-2100MHz, lets use 1,000MHz for our example, the higher the frequency you go the higher FSPL is anyway….. The free space path loss at 1000MHz over 10m is 52dB. That means the signal drops 175,000 times travelling 10 m. At 20m its 58 dB or 700,000 times at 30m its 1.6 million times or 62dB. The towers themselves are 20-30 meters up already so lets do some arithmetic:
    Effective Radiated Power fr0m a tower is ~100W or 50dBm. Lets say for worst case its pointed right at the school yard which is 30m away. So, we have 50dBm – 62dB = -12dBm left. Do you know what -12dBm is? its 12dB less than 1mW or 62uW, yes, you read that correctly, 63 micro Watts, 1 x 10^-6 Watts. There is 100 times that in front of your microwave at home. Ok, you say, what if its a 1000W EIRP? Well, ok, but the FCC would not license that but lets do the numbers anyway. 1000W is 60dBm so the received signal at 30m is -2dBm or 2dB less than 1mW which is 630uW. Makes sense no, 10 times 63uW is 630uW. Arithmetic anyone?
    You wrote this whole page for 630uW?
    You want to complain about something? Let me list a few things:
    1. The 10th Amendment is completely ignored,
    2. The fourth amendment has basically disappeared,
    3. The constitution forbids debts to be paid with letters of credit (paper money) and specifies only gold or silver,
    4. The constitution states that a standing federal army may only exist if there is a declaration of war and then for only 2 years. The last time congress declared war was December 8, 1941,
    5. The second amendment states that the right to own firearms “shall not be infringed” yet there are 2600 FEDERAL laws on the books about owning fire arms.
    Those are a few things to focus your energies on, forget the cell phone towers.

    1. blank Christoff says:

      See the work of Dr. Olle Johansson a neuroscientist at the world-renowned Karolinska Institute. He has been studying this for 30 years and we should listen to his scientific results in this regard, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS7YIZ1x0r8

    2. blank Undecider says:

      There’s that thing called choice. Some of us don’t want these things around us. You dig? I’m not a fan of having microwave transceivers in my vicinity. And keep in mind that the cell towers are linked in with the behavioral modification. Look that one up. So there goes people being concerned about the items on your list. The cell towers go up, our brains go off.

      1. You get more radiation from holding your cell phone up to your head and brain than the tower nearby gives you. Don’t worry about the tower. Quit using a cell phone.

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