1. Vunderkint says:

    I watch Fox news and there is no fair and balanced on the issue of medical marijuana, it is totally one-sided against it! Of course we have the failed war on drugs to defend.

    1. I still feel we’re living in war on drugs era. A credible and lifting study about marijuana use comes out every month and a large percentage of people still is against legalizing it, prompted up by media such as Fox. I agree with you – if you want to tell the whole tale, you should tell all the sides, not just pick one which best serves your values.

  2. yankee phil says:

    There is too much money in the illegal sales of marijuana. Police,politicions,the mob,CIA and other government agencies would not be able to function in their current manner if the legalization process took place as heroin and cocaine marketing depend heavily on the illegal marijuana market for client exposure to the harder drugs.

    1. Lonerwithaboner420 says:

      Don’t forget about the for profit prizon system. They benefit big time from long term manditory sentences for small possesion.

  3. Jessica Perdue-guttman says:

    Great job retta ward the bogus new Mexico “expert” who denied Alzheimer’s as a condition. One of new Mexico’s corporate tools that lives off our taxes!

    1. Well im a 47 year old carer for my wife of 20years , she suffers dementia with the onset of Parkinsons, anyone that says marijuana doesn’t do anything come spend 24 hours at my place, 2 different people, when (stoned) as such she functions at about 80/90% normallity, when not under influence.

  4. Legalization for medical use is ideal. However, because of the current prices for the product the Black Market will continue to be around. With increased sales and competition sprouting up daily the prices will eventually drop. If Cannabis were allowed for recreational use the Black Market might be disrupted significantly or be absorbed into the system. Citizens should be allowed to grow on their own property and this too would end the Black Market need. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds and what the future holds for this industry and its patients.

  5. Harlan Peaslee says:

    I prefer convenient, affordable and quick process where I could get the medical pot regularly, I need this that’s why I deal with 420evaluationsonline

  6. Adel Gresham says:

    Is there a way to get the benefits of pot without smoking it?

  7. Mistake in first paragraph. TCM should be MCT?

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