1. as a sufferer from chronic pain i asked myself the question – what is pain – pain is there to tell me that something is wrong – so i started listening to my body – what exactly do i feel?
    What do i feel would help?
    Am i doing everything i possibly can?
    Instead of a catch all, every one of us is unique – i learnt how to control pain – those answers come from within, not a bottle.

  2. Another pain relief method is using LifeWave's products. It is very effective…and it's like acupuncture but without the needles.

  3. I have taken most Rx narcotics for pain control and I must say they do control my cervical pain but, they do cause me headaches if I take them at the dosage prescribed.

  4. I was once addicted to aspirin. If I didn't take some every day I got a headache. Now, I just make ginger tea for my headaches if they don't get too bad. I use over the counter pain relievers very sparingly.

  5. If you don't use painkillers properly, then that is a possibility. Regardless, it would be wise to get proper medical advice first before even buying any medication in the first place.

  6. Terry Combs says:

    As a burn survivor i experience pain every minute. 42% coverage, majority being 3rd degree left me with torso & face least affected. My back provided thick skin graphs for bandaging, which brought debilitating pain. Currently taking 20mg Oxycodone & 600mg Gabapentin every 4 hours treating neuropathic (Gab) and epidermis obliteration (Oxy). After 7.5 yrs these are providing less than previous relief, but Doctors have little else to prescribe.
    Anyone suggest alternatives i can bring to my Dr’s attention? Desperately seeking any semblance of normal life. At almost 59 i pray for many years to come, but options for quality of life must be available!?!
    Thanking this community for any info possible

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