1. SkepticalVegan says:

    Finally something I & Natural Society can agree on. This law is horrible. It is already hard enough doing research with pay-walls for so much privately funded research. I'm very concerned that this could end the NIH's public-access mandate. I think both proponents and opponents of alt med should get behind fighting this law.

  2. We need to take action against this ASAP.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

  3. it seems any way these so called people can piss on us or take our rights away from us they will . how would this help anyone other then corporations . how about doing things to help people. there all owned by the devil.

  4. There so much out there already published, privately, but sceitifically valid as its repeatble, that this is no big deaé

    Take for instance the Cure aand Prevention of All Cancers, 2007, H R Clark PhD ND. A 600 page work based on over half a million repeatable, so scientifically VALID(!!!), bio-resonance, (Synchrometer) studies.

    Take Robert Atkins The Vita Nutrient Solution. That cures almost every ill with nutrients.

    Go learn, it out there. The superfoods, (mercola.com)

    The highly toxic, but highly touted foods, (Weston Price Foundation)

    The dangerous cooking with microwaces, herbalhealer.com

    and with…with Teflon, with aluminium, with copper and poor stailess steel. Clark H R PhD ND .

    No need to wait for drins and drabs of info, mixed in with misinfo, as if we still didnt the answers.

    We have over 30,000 scientific studies on the safe and usefull effects of vitamins, herbs, minerals, aminos and other naturally occirridg subbstances.

    When yu have read all that, and applied it, then…complain about the above!!

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