1. green tea and ginkgo biloba are two different things. your article mentions ginkgo but the description goes on to talk about green tea.

  2. Any particular type of brush to use or avoid?

  3. Yo-yo-ing between different weights also brings on cellulite more severely as it stretches the connective tissue in your skin.

  4. I've tried all these remedies. Cellulite comes with age,like wrinkles and gray hair. Men aren't plagued with it. Expect it even in thin women. Also in bike riders, swimmers that are older. If you are retired, on medicare, SS you will have it in some degree.

  5. i do believe in the power of water and tea… it does not only detoxes our body it also hydrates us and the antioxidants in tea helps regenerate cells.

  6. Lorraine Steyn says:

    I’m sure that South African ‘Rooibos tea’ can do the same as green tea. Rooibos is also high in antioxidants hypo allergenic and very good for your skin.

  7. Judy Harper says:

    I used to suffer from cellulite on my legs for about 10 years so I can relate to people who experience it. No creams, products or laser treatments ever really did anything for me (trust me, i tried them all) but I was actually able to completely get rid of my cellulite naturally after my cousin told me how. I only had to do 2 things:
    1. Drink atleast 1.5 litres of water everyday. Hydration is one of the main aspects (way more so than diet ever was)
    2. Follow every step in the free video & in the guide seen at
    solvehealthproblem*com/cellulite to get to the root of the problem.
    Try those two steps and hopefully you will get as much luck with getting rid of your cellulite as i did. Another thing worth trying is apple cider vinegar which works short term but it tastes disgusting and you really need to prevent it from returning.

  8. Pedro Pedro Silva says:


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