4 Studies Proving that Marijuana can Treat Brain Cancer

We are living in exciting times in regard to cannabis. As public opinion on marijuana is changing, the laws are following suit, and we are seeing more and more studies evaluating the benefits of this healing plant. Some of the most remarkable research is on the topic of cannabis and the treatment of cancer, especially brain cancer.
Repeatedly, we are seeing that the various medicinal compounds in cannabis could be used to halt tumor growth, kill tumor cells, and do so without the negative side effects so often associated with conventional cancer treatments. Those who oppose the use of marijuana as medicine are not looking at the growing body of research which has proven its value. If they were, they would have to admit defeat.
Here are 4 studies proving that marijuana can be used to treat brain cancer:
1. “Nonpsychoactive CBD was able to produce a significant antitumor activity” – Italian researchers published a study in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics which tested cannabidiol on human brain tumor cells. They found the non-psychoactive cannabis compound to have detrimental effects on the viability of these cells, inhibiting their growth “significantly.”
Read: Marijuana Oil Helps 3-Year-Old Beat Cancer
2. “The combined administration of TMZ and cannabinoids could be therapeutically exploited for the management of GBM” – Another study, published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, built off the knowledge of cannabis having anti-tumor effects and found it could be the answer to the increasing number of treatment-resistant cancers.
3. “The cannabinoid system can serve to protect the brain against neurodegeneration” – The Journal of Neuroscience contains another study from 2001 in which THC-treated rats received neuro-protective benefits. Neurodegeneration refers to progressively worsening brain function commonly found in age-related dementia but also when the brain is damaged.
The researchers found that rats treated with THC (the compound in marijuana that makes you high) were protected against such damage, indicating it as a potential solution for slowly progressive neurodegenerative disease and also acute damage that could occur as a result of directed tumor treatment.
4. “The fair safety profile of THC…with its possible antiproliferative action on tumour cells…may set the basis for evaluating the potential antitumoral activity of cannabinoids” – Finally, a study found in the British Journal of Cancer found that THC and other cannabinoids were able to inhibit the growth of brain tumors. In two out of nine patients, the compounds were able to decrease the number of tumor cells, all without psychoactive effects.
Read: Marijuana Kills Leukemia Cancer Cells
These four studies only represent the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the healing powers of cannabis. Other research has linked the plant to breast and prostate cancers, seizure disorders, Alzheimer’s, depression and anxiety, and even drug treatment.
“Those who oppose the use of marijuana as medicine are not looking at the growing body of research which has proven its value. If they were, they would have to admit defeat.”
Those who oppose the use of marijuana as medicine are fearful of the loss of profits to their enormous cancer industrial complex, to be measured in tens, perhaps hundreds, of billions of dollars a year including Big Pharma, insurance companies, oncologists, elite universities and their mainly bogus research, hospitals, and funeral homes. A recent confidential poll among oncologists revealed that the vast majority, should they, or their wives or children come down with cancer, would not use the remedies they use on their clients. What’s not to like? Monsanto’s GMO’s give us cancer and conventional toxic treatments ensure that our heirs only inherit our medical bills, or in the case of senior citizens, more national debt. Additionally, psychopathic entities gain from the maximumization of pain and suffering.
I wonder, if you were dying of cancer, why in hell would you care if your medicine has psychoactive properties? Most people don’t want to die,so I would think that the medicine that works the best would be my first choice. What is wrong with people who think it is so important to not have any fun when taking medication. If it looks like you’re going to have fun, stop! A little education would show that in fact people who use cannabis don’t have any more fun than anyone else. Well, okay, I admit that I really like cannabis and coffee, but I swear I am not having fun. 😉 Peace
The whole environment with using narcotics gets depressed. I was on fentanyl and morphine for breakthrough pain. For me, at least, narcotics are only about 85% effective. I was in constant pain and couldn’t get out of bed. I was unable to walk more than 10 feet, and was in a wheelchair for 10 years. With the help of cannabis I am now only using a 5 mcg buprenorphine patch and I have gained weight and my overall health is better than it has been since I was 25. One of the indicators of your body’s health is your toenails and fingernails. My old toenails are thick and discolored except that now I have about a quarter of an inch of new healthy growth coming in underneath the old nails. I am regenerating and I am no longer in any pain. I am at 0 on the pain scale for the first time in 15 years. Hope this helps someone who needs it. 😉 Peace
I’m also walking around the house and going to doctor’s appointments. I started walking within 2 weeks of being approved for medical marijuana.
What about this one?
In 1975 our lovely government hid a study which found THC kills cancer. Period. Time to legalize and stop demonizing THC.
I have researched this a lot as my husband has just died of pancreatic cancer and my son has a grade 4 brain tumour. He is on THC and other alternative medicines. Also he has no sugar as sugar feeds cancer. We await his next scan result hopeful we may see a change.