1. I’m curious if organic is really all that much better with bananas? It seems only the peel would be sprayed, and that is removed and not eaten.

    1. Bananas are beginning to be genetically modified. We need to eat everything organic.

    2. Chemicals are taken in to the food through its pores, just like with a human being. If you ever get a chance to eat a banana that is truly organic, you will have a hard time going back to one that has chemicals sprayed onto its skin, one that is bitter with synthetic chmicals all the way through.

  2. pete melov says:

    No seeds, no Native population ate ripe bananas, only green was eaten, and it was cooked, very high in fructose, Sugar, massive destruction of natural ecosystems to grow them, very small, in the wild, hybridised to be big, so they are easier to pick, not natural, extremely low levels of potassium compared to natural Native foods, grown in the same area, that dont destroy the ecosystem..Use huge amount of water to grow them all in all, a modified, food completely unnatural, that is very low in nutrients compared with the non destructive native foods that could easily supplement 20 times more potassium and nutrients, with a minute amount of ”farmland”..Superfood?..more like.. stuporfood..

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