1. “Stupid is as stupid does”

  2. blank Xenia Ioannidou says:

    Ι have heard of many crazy things done by lots of disturbed people… but that a psychologist (who is supposed to help people cure themselves) has enabled a person’s illness is beyond me…. this is self inflicted mutilation (or rather assisted) and should be punishable by law including revoking the license of this so called “psychologist”

    1. I agree with you and this should never happen.

    2. Psychologists don’t know how to cure people. Not their job. They can drug people and sometimes give good counseling. People are crazier than ever, that is my evidence.

  3. blank freedomdove says:

    That’s really disturbing on several levels. I do wonder, though, if this was something concerning another lifetime. Perhaps she had been a blind person at some other point and felt that this was normal. At least it would be a little easier to understand if this was the case.

  4. blank Andrea Winship says:

    Her psychologist should loose his/her license for massive malpractice. Her condition warranted an understanding of self and helping her to overcome the illness, not a way to help her acheive her goal to be blind. Very sick.

    1. blank satrain18 says:

      That psychologist already had her license revoked before she poured the Drano.

  5. Sounds to me like she does have regrets….

  6. blank James Peters says:

    Was the psychologist ever charged?

  7. blank Joanna Boese says:

    This should be proof dysphoria exists…

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