1. And this is where the “Trans humanists” will come up to the surface. Can it be any more obvious? The keyword is “trans”…transracial, transgender and transabled..all of these have to do with body modification…just wait till people will be begging to merge with computers.

  2. blank Fakir Smith says:

    So if one of these people disables themselves do we now have to pay their disability benefit? I bet we do!

    1. To be sure, they will be demanding their “rights” and their “benefits.” I don’t feel they should be entitled to any, since what they are doing is elective.

  3. blank freedomdove says:

    Unreal. What’s more strange is that doctors won’t or can’t do euthanasia for terminally ill people but they’re willing to help a healthy person disable themselves. What a lark. Why am I not surprised that the psychiatry sector would be willing to do such things?

    As someone who has suffered dysfunction and disability for a decade, I can honestly say that these people are nuts if they’re purposefully wanting it to happen to them. Silly attention seekers. They should be *very* careful of what they ask for….

  4. blank Dimitri Dontspamme says:

    AA is a promoter of transablelers. Its vile foundational teaching is that alcohol dependency is an incurable disease from which its “victims” will never recover, even after they have completely abandoned the alcoholic lifestyle. Many alcohol and drug addicts thrive on this dead-end outlook. Faithful, life long attendance of “meetings” serves to confirm these beliefs for them. And many do remain enslaved by this ideology to the very ends of their useful lives. What a waste!

  5. blank Strider73 says:

    This sounds a whole lot like the mental disorder known as “Munchausen syndrome.” Most sufferers simply fake illness or injury to get sympathy or attention, but the more extreme cases attempt to make it happen for real.

    Of course, it could be simple greed. They see millions of freeloaders getting cash for non-existent disabilities, so why not go one step further? It sure beats having to work for a living.

    Along the same lines, the “long, hard consideration” Baldwin mentions is actually of the huge piles of money he and his ilk look to collect from those deluded souls. Any doctor performing such procedures would be as guilty of malpractice as one who removes a healthy appendix or gall bladder, and should be dealt with accordingly. Apparently “do no harm” has been stricken from the Hippocratic Oath.

  6. blank Kewl Beans says:

    a friend of mine just told me about this crap. i have spina bifida, i’ve been paralyzed my entire life. it was NEVER a choice. these people are crazier than a bag of cats on acid!

  7. blank TheVelvetKitten says:

    But yet they deny people who feel like pain killer addicts because it is harmful to them.
    These are not doctors they are sadistic quacks.

  8. blank TheVelvetKitten says:

    Will they collect disability as well?

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