1. In addition to buying ‘scientists’ to conduct ‘research,’ buying ‘documentaries’ for the media to air, ruining careers of real scientists who do Truthful studies on GMOs, and intimidating journals into rejecting Truthful anti-GMO ads, Monsanto also buys formerly honest research institutions – Beeologics, for example.

    It’s way past time to prosecute Monsanto’s personnel and BOD for corruption and crimes against humanity. I’d include murder and treason too. If a foreign country knowingly and deliberately put known carcinogens in our food supply like Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, DuPont,, et al. do, the US would bomb that country to death.

  2. blank Social_Conditioning says:

    This is the oldest trick in the book , if you wan’t a favourable report put a few thousand dollar’s in someone’s pocket. It looks like someone’s been reading gilbert and the way of the weasel

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