Why Children Should Not be Using Cell Phones

The issue of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is increasingly becoming a societal concern. Present where ever electricity flows, these invisible waves are causing damage to the health of all living organisms. Due to advancements in technology, EMFs can be found in bedrooms, classrooms, playgrounds, and basically anywhere thanks to our wireless world.
Cell Phones Especially Dangerous for Children
Technology is attaching early in younger generations, causing the youngest of kids to partake in heavy cell phone and TV activity. It is unfortunate, as growing children are more susceptible to the dangers brought on by EMFs. Cell phones in particular have become a major concern, with kids as young as 10 years old having them.
A recent report with lead author John Wargo, Ph. D. professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University shows just how damaging EMFs can be for children. Research shows that due to developing organs, lower bone density of the skull, lower body weight, and a less effective blood brain barrier, children are very vulnerable to cell phone radiation. This is especially true for unborn children, with research showing that microwave radiation emitted by cell phones negatively influencing fetal brains.
It was also revealed in a study conducted 4 years ago that 54 percent of children born from mothers who used cell phones had behavioral issues. What’s more, the percentage jumped to 80 if the children grew up talking on cell phones frequently.
Your brain is made up of water, sugars, and fats. Microwaves exuded by cell phones agitate these substances and penetrate the brain, causing negative alterations. Researchers from a recent Greek study found that important areas of the brain such as the hippocampus, cerebellum, and frontal lobe – all important for learning, memory, and other functions – are negatively impacted by microwave radiation, even at levels below International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines. Specifically, 143 proteins in the brain were negatively impacted by radio frequency radiation over a period of 8 months.
Although completely limiting exposure is near impossible, taking steps to avoid exposure to cellphone radiation is important. Simply talking on your cell phone less will result in less radiation exposure. Even placing your cell phone far away from you instead of in your pocket at all times limits exposure. Although it is a small amount, it is a very simple solution. Reducing exposure to children is especially important, as they are quite vulnerable. Another solution for limiting exposure would be to invest in an EMF protector or other similar and very available technologies that reduce exposure.
I have been trying to tell people about this for ever! I sell products to help with radiation, but some people are more interested in convenience than their health 🙁