Who are Really the Top Shareholders of Monsanto?

People like to talk nasty about Hugh Grant, Monsanto’s CEO, and obviously a shareholder. The same goes for Bill Gates. He purportedly owns millions of shares of Monsanto stock as well. But who are the real owners of Monsanto? The answer might be shocking.
The real owners of Monsanto stock are institutions, and people who hide behind those institutions, not individuals like Gates and Grant. Reportedly, 5 investment funds are the top shareholders in Monsanto, with the Vanguard Group, Inc. at the top. You can view the rest below.
As you can see, the number of shares held by institutions dwarfs the number held by individuals, including those who do Monsanto’s dirty work in the public arena.
The Vanguard Group owns over $3 trillion in investments in different, and mostly hated, companies like Monsanto. They also hold the world’s largest companies such as: Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, Capital Research Global Investors, and FMR (Fidelity) are all the key owners of – well, essentially the world. And this includes Monsanto. You could say that just four companies control all the big banks and all the major companies on the planet.
Related: 96% of Shareholders Vote Against GMO Labeling
Furthermore, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a board of only seven people, which comprises representatives of the “big four,” …which in turn are present in all other entities.
An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy – including Agribusiness.
What should really be concerning is who owns Vanguard. Why are they not in the public eye as GMO labeling is heavily debated, and countries claim suicide rates, death of their food supplies, and poisoning from GM Agrichemicals?
What should be concerning is the money trail supporting the ‘funny’ science that keeps coming out about biotech foods. Or that according to a report that was released last summer, the global elite have up to 32 TRILLION dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe, which can fund lawsuit after lawsuit against the people who are tired of being poisoned.
It means that seven people and their overlords are likely poisoning the entire planet through biotech, Big Ag, Big Pharma, and Big Banks.
It is the invisible tentacles of this octopus that are strangling us. This is what must be stopped. Share your thoughts on this in the comment section below.
A Deck of playing cards with their faces and other company names would be very informing.
Guess it’s time to cancel a couple of credit a cards.
Here’s who owns Vanguard directly . There’s also a link at the bottom to the board of directors.
Do these investors wonder where their money has gone when Monsanto goes broke, Stephanie Seneff
and Anthony Samsel, plus Jesse Ventura and we the people who will not buy anything in box nor kill weeds with Round Up. Instead we will round up those who would poison us and hang the bastards, after they go broke. Somethings require dead bodies to account for dead bodies and do the math, we out number all of the Stock holder world wide, and many of us think they too should be hung. Careful when you answer the door, it could be us.
Ventura is a sell out. Lol
Kids McGean is a murderer.
I like the way you think Patrick. Monsanto, and those who support or troll for them (and similar or related companies/entities) are on the downswing and their desperation is starting to show. Every time I ask one of these trolls on social media, why they want to come on these threads as pro GMO, they won’t answer, instead they lash back with wanting my “facts” so that they can argue them. They won’t tell me WHY they are so adamant; they always turn it around. It is interesting to me that they won’t ever use their real names on social media; only fake accounts. So they must be afriad, very afraid, of answering the door; as you so aptly stated! 🙂
Why wait til they go broke? That’s going to take a long, long. long time. And time is what we don’t have.
FINALLY .. getting to the heart of the matter.
Great article. More of this kind of thing please.
By the way,Kennedy tried to get rid of the federal reserve system that is made up of private banks and was going to start a U.S. federal government run bank that stood by itself. He was the top american, the number 1 citizen and they murdered him like a stray dog and got away with it. You are only commoners,peasants ,untouchables(nothing to do with Elliot Ness),don’t think they’ll hesitate to neutralize your efforts to better the world.
Christina, the rothchild fortune is closer to 300 trillion which is why they are never listed on Forbes or anywhere… they can pay to hide… the history of the rothchilds should be mandatory history lessons for all kids..
When peoe stop buying the garbage, things change. Leave it on the shelf. Simple. Stop buuing their candy, soda etcetera. Stop buying fast food especially in franchised fast food joints. Say no to McDonald’s, No KFC, No Subways. No franchised Fast junk food… It’s not so hard. And the people that wont quit, it’s their own fault.
Do they not know who this 7 people are then or did they choose to just not publish it in the article?
And moreover, how many of them are Zionists?