1. its cold blooded murder what big pharma is getting away with…..its simply cold blooded murder…….corperate drug dealing…….and north americans are the ginnie pigs….the doctors are the drug dealers……..its n tru nightmare what America does to its own people.now the gmo's are hope fully going to be there undoing……..its truly more than most can believe….the chemotherea''pay'' scam I have been telling people for years…….that's murder to……..god dam the usa corruption of corruption is has destroy'd that country n a lot of Canada……….viva the revolution…………..for murdering its own people 200,000 per year jus big phama alone n they only have to pay fines….murder murder murder simpe as that….

  2. blank Dana Ullman says:

    Paul, I have written extensively on the history of the AMA, and as a homeopath, I have a similar view of history of you do. However, your facts are all screwed up. JD Rockefeller did NOT hire Abraham Flexner to write that infamous report…he was hired by the Carnegie Foundation (founded by Andrew Carnegie, NOT “Dale Carnegie” who taught “positive thinking”!). Throughout Rockefeller’s adult life, he received homeopathic care, and he lived to 98 years of age (his homeopath died early…at only 93!). Rockefeller told the man who ran his foundation that he wanted HALF of his money to go to homeopathic colleges and organizations, but he was lied to by the head of his Foundation and no money at all was granted to the homeopaths. Instead $400 to $500 million was granted to conventional medical schools during the first 30 years of the 20th century. That empowered the allopaths…and led to the (short-term) destruction of the homeopaths.

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