Raw Milk Overpowers Conventional Milk in Reducing Risk of Numerous Infections

Whether raw milk is safe to drink has been a controversial issue for many years, particularly in countries with more nanny-state tendencies. However, a study published in early 2015 showed that babies given raw cow’s milk instead of ultra-high temperature (UHT) processed formula actually had a reduced risk of common infections, such as colds and ear infections.
This study, known as the PASTURE study, followed 983 babies from 5 countries for the first year of their lives. The babies were from rural areas in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, and Finland. Even though most European societies discourage raw milk consumption, many farming families who can produce their own raw milk still drink it.
The invention of refrigerators, plus the freshness of the milk, are most likely factors contributing to the lack of tuberculosis, listeriosis, etc. seen in these families. Pasteurization was invented in the 1860’s, while refrigerators appropriate for home use were invented in the 1910’s. Like human breast milk, however, cow’s milk may contain beneficial constituents such as antibodies that assist the immune system.
Read: Goat Milk Vs. Cow Milk: The Milk Battle
In this study, parents were instructed to record what types of milk their babies consumed and the occurrence of infections from week 8 to week 53. There were very few “missing values” in the diaries given out; and as most infections are not reported to doctors, parents’ reporting was more likely to be accurate.
UHT milk was used as a control, with pasteurized milk, boiled fresh milk, and raw milk all compared in terms of infection incidence. Raw milk was the most protective against infections, with:
- a 29% reduced risk of rhinitis (runny nose)
- a 23% lower risk of respiratory infections
- a 31% reduced risk of fever
- an impressive 86% reduced risk of ear infections.
Boiled, fresh farm milk was associated with a 22% and 35% lower risk of respiratory infections and fever respectively, similar to raw milk. However, there was only an 18% lower risk of rhinitis and a 46% reduced risk of ear infections.
Compared to UHT milk, pasteurized milk only reduced the risk of fever, by 31%. Only raw milk was linked with a significantly lower level of an inflammatory marker known as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP). Babies who were given raw milk had 34% lower levels of hsCRP, regardless of infection or how long they were breastfed. Higher levels of hsCRP are linked with increased risk of obesity, respiratory impairments such as asthma, and blood lipid profiles that are associated with cardiovascular disease.
Related: Can’t Obtain Health-Boosting Raw Milk? Try a Supplement Called Lactoferrin
Other Risk Factors Noted
There were other factors that also affected the risk of infection in the babies studied.
- Having older siblings was associated with a higher risk of infections, especially ear infections where there was a more than double the risk.
- Living on a farm was linked with an 11-25% lower risk of infections.
- Parental history of atopic conditions (eczema, e.g.) was only associated with a 21% higher risk of rhinitis and a 12% higher risk of respiratory infections.
- Surprisingly (considering what many mothers are told), a Caesarean birth was not significantly associated with higher risk of any infection.
Raw milk isn’t as scary as the mainstream media would prefer you to believe, and may even be protective against infections commonly seen in young children.
This is why I am thankful for right now I can purchase and drink raw milk from a state certified supplier. This however is what states can do and if they truly want the Feds to back off it is really this simple.
Feb 11, 2016 Legalize Raw Milk: Nullify Federal Prohibition
The feds not only ban interstate commerce of raw milk, but the FDA claims the power to ban it WITHIN the states too. If enough people say no to a federal ban on raw milk, and enough states pass laws backing those people up, there’s not much the feds can do to shove their unconstitutional plans down our throats.
You can’t not buy raw milk where I live , but couldn’t I purchase a culture and add it to milk to get similar benefits?
September 17, 2016 Rigged: Dairy Industry Killed 500,000 Of Its Own Cows To Keep Milk Prices High
Some of the biggest names in the dairy business killed more than a half million cows in an effort to keep milk prices high nationwide over the past decade.