1. Could the final episode of the rise of Monsanto just have been anounced by the USDA itself?

  2. blank Jose nestor says:

    debemos de sacar a este monstruo de nuestra dienta!!

  3. Well, they have thier very own protection act now thanks to our congress.

    1. And Obama the liar supported it all the way, while putting on his usual wide grin, claiming as always to be for the environment and peoples' health. He knows full well what he's doing–Monsanto was a big campaign donor.

  4. While reading the article you had a banner advertisement for Round Up Weed Killer. Why?

  5. Was the banner ad a google ad? That would be google doing that then, not the publisher of the article.

  6. So, what the heck can we do now?

  7. The seed was intended to be certified organic and shipped off to organic farmers — seed that was secretly genetically modified.
    How and when and by who!
    Could Monsaten dump their junk all over the place so that by accident no one has a chance to get any thing but buy GMOs?

  8. blank BLonde lucy says:

    Government lackeys should have their personal accounts audited every week.

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