1. blank Health101 says:

    Wow… amazing… truly stunned.

  2. Isn't it about time that "we the people" start to really put the pressure on our elected representatives in Congress and the Senate to stop this? I really and truly do not want any of my hard earned tax dollars going to promote Montsanto anywhere, ever. This is an insult to the American people who over whelmingly support the banning of GMOs, we don't want it! Yet, it is being forced upon us to the extent that it is really difficult to shop in a supermarket and not buy something that isn't being poisoned by the GMOs.
    WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO STOP THESE MONSTERS? Why doesn't anyone ask our lying corrupt president why he isn't following his promise to label them? Remember , he said that is his pre election promises. Yuk! this is so sickening and repulsive but mostly evil.

    1. blank Jacqueleen says:

      We tried voting them out of office, but the Chicago thuggery administration fraudulently counted the votes in his favor. We all know who owns the companies who counted the votes….if not, his initials are G.S.

  3. May 25th, worldwide March Against Monsanto, google,it and find one near you! The world is going to speak very loud that day!

    1. blank Jacqueleen says:

      What good will that do up against billions of dollars by its largest stockholder? What good did the Tea Party protests do? What good did the Right for Life marches on Washington do? These bums in office, all of Washington, BS are hard of hearing and blind in one eye and can't see out of the other, as the saying goes!
      We desperately need term limits for all three branches of government if we survive the tyrannical take over of our country by this administration! Get the public servant in and out before they can settle in to receive the :"take".

  4. This is rediculous clearly the government is NOT for the people, they are only out for themselves, money , money, money, that is what they care about are they going to eat money? that is all they will have left if it is up to them. Let just get all these people out of government and change to a spiritual government that cares about the planet and people.

  5. hey guys ,
    the strenght is in how we are going to vote with our dollar.(if americans stop buying process junk, theres is no demand for monstanto products) switch to whole foods from local farmers,and press on our polititians to listen to us, the peple, or else(get a real job, where you will have to work instead manipulate and corrupt) but we have to stick together. that's our strenght, and no coroporation can survive

    1. blank Jacqueleen says:

      BUY AMERICAN MADE PRODUCTS…..BUY ORGANIC PRODUCE GROWN HERE IN THE USA AND DEMAND THAT GMO SEEDS BE LABELED ON FOODS. We can stop GMOs and globalization because it was done for the almighty dollar…..When they get hit in the bottom line….those corporations will come back begging for business…That is when we tell them to pack up, go back and sell their wares to the Chinese, Turks, Indians, Indonesians and anywhere else in the world that they ingratiated. WE HAVE THE POWER MY DEAR CONSUMER! EXERCISE IT!

  6. blank Patti Jo Edwards says:

    So, since we are in such debt and have to borrow money or print it from air to stay afloat, where are we getting the money to help a many-billion dollar industry do this heinous work?

  7. blank Jacqueleen says:

    Bill Gates, largest stockholder at Monsanto is definitely determined to depopulate the world….He is taking nutrition out of seeds, killing off the bees with their insecticides and adding chemicals to vaccines so that children are dying or left with autism from the chemicals. Then, there are the chemtrails, dangerous chemical sprays that are destroying the composition of the soil and making people sick especially the elderly.
    This is criminal activity and it is mind boggling that he is getting away with it. There must be one courageous soul out there who will investigate and prosecute those who are doing more harm to millions of people especially children than all of the terrorists from the Middle East put together. Bloomberg just announced on the radio this morning that Bill Gates is the richest man in the world! Obviously, with no heart…He must be related to the Tin Man.

  8. blank Terri Stansberry says:

    Lets not just talk about it…where do we go to DO something about it? It is obvious our government is incapable of resisting the Sirens Song of Corporate america….but there are more of us than them. We just need to unite…anybody got any ideas? How about if we all stop paying taxes. Think that would get their attention? Any other ideas?

  9. blank John H. Shearer says:

    God bless all of you frustrated, upset, made to feel helpless in this current USA. We, the PEOPLE have to get our faces out of our …phones-games-tablets etc.etc.ad infinitem start looking each other in the eyes and then actually start talking with each other! I don't know about you but I am not afraid of ALL the other americans I run into each day!!!Keep your hearts hopeful and do whatever YOU can in YOUR immediate world. Start with that.

  10. Unfortunately it is essential to uncompromisingly pick and choose the right CeMAP
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  11. Psychopathic control freaks have an agenda to depopulate. They're the same small group who've set up the entire financial, debt-slave, fractional reserve, Ponzi scheme, global, central banking system which is criminal usury and heartless. These tyrants control whole nations through financial debt (compounding interest). They bring governments down and manipulate all life on earth with their criminal financial clout. For what to do: http://www.thrivemovement.com/

  12. I totally agree with what you say. I have to thank you for your efforts

  13. In the meantime creating hell on Earth.

  14. The US-Biotech BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP is no longer hidden*. For a current example see “U.S. Government Ties El Salvador USD $277 Million Aid Package to Monsanto’s GMO Seeds” http://bit.ly/1kJw7j3
    For the U.S., the business partnership is a means to shore up its imperialism by creating massive food dependency. (Fortunately for Russians, Putin appears to see the GE scam for what it is.)
    For Monsanto and their ilk of sociopathic chemical pushers, the partnership is a means to protect and continue to expand their sterility-inducing fraud. Rape is an apt analogy: like a rapist who won’t understand “No”, they rape DNA and they’ll rape national sovereignty as a means of propagation if they can, as in El Salvador right now.
    As a business partner, the U.S. can play both political thug and military thug for the mutation industry (in case M’s own paramilitary squad can’t handle a ‘local situtaion’).
    Government Biotech > Eaters = Win Win > Lose
    * Over 7 years ago one of the first wicked leeks was a State Department email about literally punishing France and the EU for questioning and resisting GMOs, authored by none other than the United States Ambassador to France. Remember? Or never heard about it?
    “What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of seed companies, it’s really a consolidation of the entire food chain.”—Robert Fraley, co-president of Monsanto’s agricultural sector

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