1. They shipped the GMO mosquitoes here as well (DR), right after they came in everybody got sick with the disease they were supposed to eradicate. So obvious.

  2. blank Undecider says:

    Until the people stand up, the government will continue to ride roughshod.

    1. That is why we are going to Occupy the USDOJ in May 2015. But they want these mosquito’s out there now just like they Ethically won approval 70 US facilities to give Anthrax vaccines to your kids knowing over 10,000 soldiers took their lives because of those infective vaccines still at the rate of 23 a day they refuse to treat for the cause. See Penn’s Pres. Advisor Amy Guttman’s humanitarian work…for the country stealers that is…..LOL

  3. I don’t see in the article Oxitecs links to Syngenta. This GM Mosquito is a bio-weapon. Cayman Island release is linked to Bill Gates. The WHO is connected to this crime on humanity. A better article would be a list of the shareholder and investors in Oxitec.

    1. blank pennydrichter5 says:

      If a bola mosquitoes hit the White House everyone would be doomed

  4. blank Gabortusz says:

    I honestly don’t know if this is a great troll (comments included) or people are really this dumb and easy to fool…male mosquitoes don’t even drink blood so what’s with those mutations? And for those wo come with the world dominance-killing of civilians thing…who would work for those “rich governors and shareholders” if not those very people they are massacring?

    1. blank pennydrichter5 says:

      Well I’m sure the people don’t know that and they’re just trying to protect you and me and everything thank you for the information though however I think man is going a little bit too far from eating the apple with the knowledge. eradicate the homeless hunger out there and feed them concentrate on taking care of the people they have feeding them non GMO foods

  5. The ‘elite’ trying to play God. It will implode upon them during our lifetimes, and I can’t wait for the show.

    1. They are not going to like it I assure you. The infections that are destroying their brains are also in their hearts…..There will be gnashing of teeth ~ for a very good reason…..that failure to trim synapses in the brain that cause Autism/Alzheimers and all the syndromes is actually infections—not what they want to make you think….

  6. see Jesse Ventura investigates Lyme CT Plum Island /YouTube. Be informed that Lyme disease is increasing in infections in people in New England areas where almost every tic seems to be infected with it. Then reach out to your social networking international friends and ask them if they know or have ever heard of Lyme disease. Fair warning most internationals and some southern US citizens haven’t heard of it either.

    1. blank Jay Jameson says:

      I remember watching that on tv that Jesse Ventura had about Lyme’s. I believe it was a planned/planted disease. I and others i know have had it, now we have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue & other serious issues. Without a doubt, i know the tick is responsible.

  7. Aren’t these those male mosquitos with a special gene that kills off the biting females or something?

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