Susan G. Komen Denies BPA-Breast Cancer Link Despite 130 Studies

Despite the presence of more than 130 studies confirming the link between bisphenol A (BPA) and breast cancer, the popular nonprofit Susan G. Komen for the Cure is denying that BPA has anything to do with breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the largest nonprofit in the world supposedly dedicated to ‘eradicating’ breast cancer. Of course, the organization has an extremely poor record of actually educating women how to actually prevent breast cancer.
Back in 2010, the Susan G. Komen organization teamed up with fast food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in order to promote pink-branded buckets of fried chicken which were sold with the slogan “Buckets for the Cure.” Unfortunately it was not satirical in nature; the organization actually advocated purchasing KFC fast food buckets in a twisted attempt to fund cancer research. Of course this fast food chicken actually contributes to breast cancer, meaning that the ridiculous campaign is actually leading to more cases of breast cancer rather than helping to prevent breast cancer.
KFC chicken contains a number of carcinogenic ingredients that may contribute to breast cancer nearly as much as BPA. The chicken is coated in starches, processed flour, and flavored with monosodium glutamate (MSG) – the famously-toxic additive that has been phased out of food products due to consumer demand. In fact, Dr. Russell Blaylock classifies MSG as an excitotoxin, linking it to obesity, cancer and neurological disorders. Of course obesity, which fast food is undoubtedly a major contributor to in the US, has been linked with aggressive breast cancer development. Interestingly, BPA sits in the same category, with over 130 studies linking it to breast cancer. So much for breast cancer prevention.
Breast Cancer Prevention is Not a Priority for the Susan G. Komen Organization
It seems like there really is no room for breast cancer prevention when it comes to Susan G. Komen. In fact, it seems that even the money the organization raises does not go towards effective breast cancer prevention. In 2009, Susan G. Komen for the Cure spent $141 million for breast cancer education, ‘education’ that does not cover the legitimate nutritional issues that contribute to the development of breast cancer and cancer overall. Instead of spending the ‘education’ money on teaching women how to avoid high-fructose corn syrup, the toxic ingredient that feeds cancer growth unlike any other, the nonprofit discusses the importance of mammograms as a primary method to prevent breast cancer.
These mammograms emit radiation and are continually being questioned by scientists worldwide. Vitamin D, on the other hand, has been found to ‘kill’ cancer cells with no side effects of carcinogenic radiation. For the organization to claim that BPA has no association with breast cancer and to ignore over 130 studies showing the contrary, is completely in line with the track record of the organization. For an organization to push fast food as a means to prevent breast cancer while ignoring genuine methods like vitamin D and improved overall nutrition, it makes sense that Susan G. Komen for the Cure would urge women to continue to use BPA-laced plastics on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the organization is monetarily supporting foundations that are actively researching the relationship between BPA and breast cancer.
Yes, chicken is also a major cause of breast cancer. You know what the leading cause of death is? Being born. So let's stop births and we can stop deaths from all sorts of things.