SUBOXONE: The Psych Drug Behind The Charleston Church Shooting?

On February 28, Roof was arrested for drug possession at a mall in Columbia, where he was searched by officers after storekeepers complained that he was acting unusually and asking questions about opening hours and the number of staff on the premises. The Wall Street Journal reports a police incident document said Roof was found to have strips of Suboxone, a pain drug sometimes used to treat opiate addiction. He did not have a prescription for the drug, which is commonly sold illegally on the street.
(Source: The Daily Beast)
Suboxone is a powerful psychoactive drug which is utilized in breaking heroin and narcotic pain reliever addictions. Just like methadone,* suboxone has its downside risks and adverse side effects. It is a medication which contains two primary ingredients — buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is a synthetic opiate; naloxone is drug that blocks feelings of euphoria.
*Methodone is such a dangerous drug that dedicated clinics were set up around the country because patients could not be trusted with more than one day’s dose at a time; hence, the daily visit to the methadone clinic. Methadone is actually more dangerous than all prescribed narcotic painkillers and can threaten a patient’s life with each dose. As a matter of fact, a methadone user doesn’t have to be addicted to methadone to die from it—the very first dose can kill, unlike both heroin and morphine (this last claim has been legitimately questioned by some).
These two ingredients — buprenorphine and naloxone –work in tandem assisting the addicted drug user in their intention to break a very strong habit.  Like any drug that can successfully replace heroin, it is quite powerful and has some serious side effects. Just how does it work?
Buprenorphine is an opioid partial agonist. This means that, although buprenorphine is an opioid, and thus can produce typical opioid agonist effects and side effects such as euphoria and respiratory depression, its maximal effects are less than those of full agonists like heroin and methadone. At low doses buprenorphine produces sufficient agonist effect to enable opioid-addicted individuals to discontinue the misuse of opioids without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. [1]
As for adverse side effects, there are many and they can be severe. It has been reported that violent outbursts and aggressive acts of rage can be experienced while under the influence of Suboxone. There are other extreme and significant behavioral outcomes which can be exhibited by those who are under the influence of Suboxone which fit with the violent acts of the Charleston shooter.
The bottom line here is that powerful psychoactive and/or psychotropic drugs can push young people into all sorts of highly anti-social and destructive behavior. The presence of these drugs is rarely, if ever, discussed in the mainstream media in the wake of events like Charleston. The focus is always on the usage of a gun(s), rather than the radically altered state of mind of the shooter.
Read: Top 10 Drugs Linked to Violence
The following article link contains a compilation of similar shootings and spells out a compelling narrative which seems to prove the direct influence of psychotropic drugs in these shocking episodes. It also points directly to the fundamental responsibility that ought to be shared by those pharmaceutical companies which manufacture and distribute these dangerous drug medications.
Suboxone is only one of many powerful pharma psych drugs which can trigger such a violent crime spree
This investigative study provides an indisputable body of scientific evidence which clearly points to a causal relationship between various psych drugs and extreme violence. What is particularly curious is why the government never addresses these quite obvious correlations. Instead, the authorities only speak to the utilization of a gun in the commission of the crimes.
Perhaps the time is now to shift attention to the dangerously mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs which regularly trigger this unacceptable conduct. The guns will always be there, just as knives will always be available. Therefore, only by addressing the root causes will this epidemic of shootings be brought to an end.
Any drug that has such profound effects on the mind and emotions, like Suboxone or Methadone, ought to be officially classified as a psych drug. Just because they are used specifically to wean patients off of hard drugs like heroin, morphine and other highly addictive painkillers does not mean they don’t have serious side effects.
The intention of this article is to point out that any powerful psychoactive drug like Suboxone can, and does, have detrimental side effects. Â Especially if they are abused, or taken while using other psychotropic drugs like Cocaine and LSD and Crystal Meth, are the effects that more unpredictable or even unknown for any given individual. Â When these drugs are taken while drinking alcohol, the number of adverse side effects grows even larger and more serious.
The focus of this post has been on younger people because they often don’t know what they’re doing with regard to recreational drug-taking.  Many are in a dangerous and risky experimental mode; hence, our purpose is to make them aware of the inherent dangers and unknown risks associated with mixing drugs, particularly mixing them with alcohol.
Taking too much Suboxone can have disastrous consequences for any individual with a predisposing vulnerable biochemistry, especially when they drink and mix with other powerful psychoactive drugs. Â The scientific literature is full of research studies which have demonstrated how harmful drug interactions are the number one cause of iatrogenic deaths in America. Â Likewise, illicit drug interactions have an even higher rate of fatalities (See reference below).
Roof was arrested Feb. 28 at the Columbiana Mall in Columbia, SC, after store workers called police, saying he was asking suspicious questions about store hours and staffing. Police found Roof with Suboxone, a synthetic dug linked to aggressive behavior; Radar Online reported police also found cocaine, LSD, and methamphetamine. Banned by the mall for a year, he reappeared there two months later and was arrested for trespassing. [2]
[1]Â The National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment
[2] Breitbart
Pharmaceutical Drug Interactions: Creating A National Mental Health Crisis
Author should do better research. Suboxone is not in the same category as the other “psych drugs” Just inflammatory & misleading
Methadone is both a highly psychotropic and psychoactive pharmaceutical drug and controlled substance; hence, it is a serious pharma psych drug regardless of how it is used or classified. (i.e. it profoundly affects the mind and psyche, thoughts and emotions)
Again, suboxone is not methodone
And the article itself says “Any drug that has such profound effects on the mind and emotions, like Suboxone or Methadone, OUGHT to be officially classified as a psych drug.” (Emphasis mine)
The suboxone this particular person was caught with months prior to this shooting incident may or may not have had an effect on his mind causing him to act out in this way… problem with the article is it seeks to lump suboxone use with all these other drugs. Although technically substance abuse could be considered a mental health problem is it really on the same level as other psychosis? All drugs have adverse side effects, they vary on condition, dosage, genetics, other health issues, etc etc etc….the larger problem is abuse of prescriptions along with over prescribing them along with mixing legal and illegal drugs and alcohol. Just IMHO the article could have been impactful had it stuck to one course and not tried to tie too many issues together.
“As a matter of fact, a methadone user doesn’t have to be addicted to methadone to die from it—the very first dose can kill, unlike both heroin and morphine.”
Warning: this article is scientifically inaccurate. Example: both heroin and morphine can kill you the first time. Also, methadone is not administered by clinics for the health risks but the need for monitoring the patients for other reasons and many people prescribed methadone are given take home doses for up to weeks at a time.
The monitoring is done, first and foremost, to check for serious signs of respiratory depression … SO THAT THE PATIENT DOESN’T DIE!
Secondarily, monitoring is performed to properly stage the withdrawal protocol.
The author of this article is ignorant. This article is absolute rubbish, and very misleading. People are always trying to play connect the dots with unrelated subjects so they can have something, or someone to blame. The effects of buprenorphine would not lead to this exhibition of behavior, and most people prescribed to this medication do not experience psychoactive affects; especially like they would with a true opiate.
Psychiatric drugs can be dangerous, but let’s put things in their proper place here. There have been several mass shooting atrocities where the assailants were on some psychiatric drugs. But were any of them mind-controlled FIRST? If they were mind-controlled first, then they had to believe in the “mission” they were on. Why is it we have yet to hear of some psychiatric patient who just attacked a group of people without a manifesto or personal connections to some group? Why don’t those stories make it to the national news cycle?
Terrible article and very unscientific.. this is the kind of article that lends itself to social constructionism and we have to be very careful with this kind of thought process.
This is by far the most outlandish and ridiculous article I have ever seen. There is no scientifi link to this drug causing anything other than curative behavior. I have seen this drug work effectively in hundreds of people and never have side effects taht would cause anything adverse in behavior. The author is nuts.
Psychoactive drug? What? Buprenorphine and naloxone is not in the same drug cat. As say oh, idk, Lithium. Perhaps it was the LSD, cocaine and meth, the article states, that caused the violence. I feel like I’ve lost brain cells by reading this nonsense.
Any chemical tampering to an already unsteady emotional state may be a causal factor. I have yet to see any media coverage on what these shooters, including the recent one in VA, are taking or have been prescribed. This is a great article.
The level of ignorance here is astounding. A purposefully misleading article. There is not ONE reported case of violence or aggresive behavior arising from buprenorphine or naloxone. “The very first dose of methadone can kill unlike heroin and morphine.” News flash any and all opiates including bupe have the potential to kill on the FIRST dose. A naive person reading that may take what you said and od because of it. And that pie chart? Referring to drugs in a whole other category of drugs so totally irrelevant. Its sad because suboxone saves lives and people like you jump on any chance you get to put it and other meds like it in a bad light. Well correlation does NOT equal causation. Suboxone can be abused and yea some of the abusers are criminally inclined however it is not a causative factor.
Thank you SO MUCH for this comment! I was absolutely astounded by the content of this article- unbelievably inaccurate, ignorant, & dangerous.