1. Really.. like I said before, this would be more convincing with more details and acknowledging HDL vs LDL (What about people who are told that HDL is good cholesterol and LDL is bad cholesterol and that doctors say high levels of LDL are bad for you?), and that doctors claim high LDL is bad for you. Like geez, there’s no “We know doctors have been claiming high levels of LDL are bad for you buuuut…” at all.
    And the general statements about correlations are really bad, like
    “”Many people with low cholesterol have died of coronary heart disease
    (CHD) while in their 40s, while many with high cholesterol never have
    CHD issues.”” (This can be said for some things that the same writers would say ARE bad)|
    And in this last quote… “Yet, heart disease rates have continued to rise along with obesity.” It definitely seems to be implying that both heart disease AND obesity are not helped by saturated fats.
    I’m definitely going to need lots of info on how saturated fat does not actually increase your fat store…

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