1. Research continues to show that stem cells could be harnessed for therapeutic purposes.

    Stem Cells: The ultimate goal of stem cell therapy is to activate “endogenous” stem cells—those existing in the patient’s own body. In Nature, Ronald McKay of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke reported on a model of stem cell expansion that may help realize this goal. Activation of a receptor known as Notch induces a chain of events that promotes the survival of neural stem cells. When adult rats were treated with a molecule that locks into the Notch receptor, they showed increased numbers of progenitor cells and improved motor skills after an experimental stroke injury. The work suggests a method for stem cell expansion both in culture and in a host animal receiving transplants, possibly even turning stem cells back on. The stem cell field continues to flourish but the studies above indicate how much we still do not know. Directing the development of stem cells to become specific cell types (nerve cells, or glia) and not to become cancer cells remains the big challenge.

  2. blank Big Pharma says:

    I suppose the question now would be for the person who was going to benefit from this would they put aside ethical considerations like the destruction of human embryos to make the stem cells, in order to have new teeth?

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