1. When I want to eat I want food and not some high profit garbage being sold to make us sick and kill us off. As soon as I tuned out all mainstream “advice” about foods and health and went with my instinct I started to feel better and I have not had any health issues for a few years. I will never go back to the trough for my food.
    Monsanto is a monster with tiers to pharma and other nefarious outfits. They have never made anythig good for anyone in their history, look it up.
    Genetically modifying food is an outright attempt to kill off the people, there is no other explanation that can stand up to scrutiny.

    1. Even Monsanto’s employees refuse to eat GMO food in the company’s cafeteria.

      1. blank Nelly Davis (DJNBL) says:

        They serve only organic food in their cafeteria

        1. That’s what I meant. So it’s fine for their employees, but not for the rest of us. I wonder how many people they will lose eating caf lunches when there is no more organic food because it’s all been poisoned?

    2. A million thumbs up on your comment! I did the same, unplugged from the mainstream “advice” and followed my instincts and re-taught myself how to eat by these awesome groups and websites online. I have NEVER felt better and any ailment I had prior to hitting my “reset” button on what I eat is completely gone! I feel 20 years younger and that is not an exaggeration.

      1. blank Your1Friend says:

        Congratulations! Good work!

  2. Anti-Semite! Anti-Semite!! Anti-Semite!!!
    Oh, whoops… wrong article.
    (you’re still a anti-Semite)

  3. blank desertspeaks says:

    Whaat? are you telling me people don’t want to eat POISON?? how dare they avoid our poison! Pass a law and make them eat our poison!!!

  4. Eat local, even if it gets a little bit boring. Processed food and especial Kraft produce is disgusting and poisonous.

  5. In addition of the residues we have in food and are resposible of numerous diseases, Monsanto products are killing bees and this has a serious impact in our ecosystem

  6. blank Redwhiteblu says:

    The only way we can beat Monsanto chemical is to ban together and purchase as much non-GMO’S as possible

  7. blank Tonia DeMont says:

    Now the government is trying to make us out as a psychological disorder


  9. The petrochemical companies are the ones that should be taxed for producing harmful chemicals that cause illness and kill essential nutrients. They are the ones causing more pollution in the earth and in our bodies.

  10. blank Your1Friend says:

    Thank you again, Christina!

  11. My family can’t afford to organic foods. With limited resources we have to stretch our money, and make the best choices. Shop @ farmer market during summer and rely on supermarket in winter months. We can’t afford $2.99/lb for organic apples when non-organic apples are .79/lb. I wish the organic industry would price compare and reduce prices. Wish we could afford organic but food is a necessity not a luxury.

  12. blank AuNaturelMel says:

    Score. 😉 Mel at catesgarden

  13. blank Just sayin... says:

    First of all if every food company that does not use GMO’s puts “NON GMO” on their package then we won’t have to fight with Monsanto, etc. Also, if GMO’S are stopped (just saying) then eventually nature would get back to normal….it may take some time but they can’t last forever without their magic witchcraft.

  14. blank Utah Brewer says:

    So, GMO food can be organic right? In fact, isn’t it easier to go organic if you have crops that are resistant to pests to begin with. “Organic” is not “GMO” and “GMO” is not “organic”. I would be willing to bet that the Organic food you are buying has gone through one form of Genetic Modification or another. This article is just lumping problems together without understanding or defining the differences. This makes consumers misinformed about the issues.

  15. blank OrangeRay says:

    Monsanto bought Whole Foods so how can you support them???

  16. You said…
    “A report has shown that in 2012, more than $28.4 million was spent on healthful organic food, and that number has grown since the report published such findings. According to Nutrition Business Journal, organic food sales will reach a startling $35 billion this year.”
    it’s not 28 millions, it’s probably 28 BILLIONS. I found that in 2014 the growth was 11%. So it obviously didn’t multiply ten fold between 2012 and 2015.
    That imprecision makes your whole article less valuable, especially since it’s centered on this very growth and that this statistic is the core of your article.
    (I’m also against Monsanto by the way.)

  17. blank Kalem DeGolyer says:

    Comming from a backround that has farms and is about farms. I hope all of you understand that pesticides are still used on organic crops.

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