1. One of the major problems people are soon going to encounter is the price of these healthy foods. It's fine to say eat nuts and honey, but as I have found recently, the prices of both of these in shops is going through the roof.

    Nuts do grow on trees (unlike money), but unfortunately we don't all have access to various types, at all times of the year. In the UK where I am, a bag of nuts might set you back £4 or £5. Yes you can collect hazelnuts in autumn, but that's just one period in the year and you'd never collect enough to last twelve months.

    There is a shortage of honey in some areas, meaning the price is going up. One might be forgiven for thinking that the retailers' aim is to get people back onto cheaper foods…..which of course are often not so good for you.

    Agree honey is an excellent sugar replacement, it goes well in coffee or tea.

    Grains…..I do wish articles would explain what "grains" are; I am not a budgie.

  2. blank Norma Morow says:

    The advice given is much too simplistic!

  3. blank Gery Maes says:

    SUGAR IS VERY BAD and also FRUCTOSE : Indeed it burns your brain cells away slowly, and similar to sugar it does. Doctor Proffessor Geuns from the K.U. University of Leuven – Belgium, made Laboratory toxicology analyses during 30 years and stated clearly those substances like Fructose’s and sugars, (all processed sweet food additives) are toxic and harmful for the brain and many other organs. Myself being a certified orthomlecular medical nutrition therapist, advice everyone to decrease the sugar consumption to the lowest level possible, and to consume sugars that aren’t processed at all but just natural, such as: direct sugarcane “cold pressed”, cold pressed honey, and slow carbohydrates like fruit (preferably not dried but purely fresh fruit) such that one can allow oneself body to metabolically transfer the slow carbohydrates into fuel for the cell-structures. We actually shall never feed our cells with sugars, but mostly with substances that one can find in nature. There are plenty of studies done by universities that show that sugar and fructoses affect the brain cells and our dopamine’s stronger than hard drugs leading to addiction, and the neurological poisoning can be avoided by alerting the public about the dangers of consuming foodstuffs wherein the sugars are added by the manufacturers of food. Maybe awareness and education together with sensibly the public about the dangers of sugars is The Crucial and Urgent approach.

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